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ALLIANCE _Thyagoof

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Status Updates posted by ALLIANCE _Thyagoof

  1. Bienvenido al Foro manitoo! :HaulieLove:

  2. Hello guys! :thisisfine:
    Coming by to wish you a great day/night! :HaulieLove:

    1. 'Leo.


      I wish you a wonderful night too. :HaulieLove:

  3. Hi guys! Coming by to wish you a great day/night! :HaulieLove:

  4. Hii guys! May you all have a great day! 🥰

  5. Hello guys! 👀

    Do you know of any nice routes on Promods?:thisisfine:

    1. Mister Truck

      Mister Truck

      Hi ALLIANCE. Which country in particular would you like to visit ? :HaulieLove:

    2. ALLIANCE _Thyagoof

      ALLIANCE _Thyagoof

      Ello @Mister Truck! How are you?
      no preference of country ! 😄

  6. Happy Birthday manitoooo 🥳

    1. Changas!


      Maniiiitooooooo Obrigadooooooo andddd congratssss for yourrr new role of TMP ,Estou muito contente por ti manitoooooo , love uuu :HaulieLove:

    2. ALLIANCE _Thyagoof
  7. Thank you for your service at TMP! Hope to see you on the team again!  :HaulieLove:

  8. 🇬🇧 Thank you to everyone who wished me congratulations. Sorry if I couldn't respond to you (or react to your message), there were many.

    🇧🇷 Obrigado a todos que me desejaram parabéns. Desculpe se não consegui lhe responder (ou reagir sua mensagem) foram muitas.

    🇪🇸 Gracias a todos los que me desearon felicitaciones. Perdón si no pude responderte (o reaccionar a tu mensaje), fueron muchos.


    1. PinkNub_


      You deserved that! 😉 Keep it up))

  9. 💙📸  I love traveling the roads of Europe! They have fascinating views! 

    ALLIANCE - Scania Truck


  10. Thanks for following me!  :HaulieLove:

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