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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Philip1212

  1. Can you give us Teamview access?
  2. Solved ! closed & moved
  3. Fixed (or not) via Private Message! Solved! (or not^^)
  4. Hello, Its not possible to delete the Account.
  5. Can you give us Teamview access? If you have Teamspeak you can join Teamspeak ts3.ets2mp.com and talk to us, because i think we only can fix the Problem via Teamviewer.
  6. Hello, Can you join Teamspeak? Talk to someone from the Support Team or write a Support Ticket, because we need Teamviewer for the Problem.
  7. Start Steam before you try to play MP. If its not working, write a Ticket. If you want you can join Teamspeak and we can help you.
  8. Tu m'aimes?

    1. _J-M


      Non je ne suis pas au petit garcon ;) Les filles de mon age sont beaucoup mieux ;):)

  9. JM ist ein guter ETS2 MP Webentwickler. Hoffe er bleibt noch lange im Team ;)

  10. Hey, Read http://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=164103 MFG
  11. Closed due to inactivity
  12. Philip1212


    Closed due to inactivity
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