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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About HiSTARâ„¢

  • Birthday April 9

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Milano
  • Known languages
    RO / EN / IT

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  1. Happy birthday  🥳

  2. Hi, You need a new save to play the game without Vive la France or you need to find another save from the internet without Vive la France DLC activated.
  3. HiSTARâ„¢


    Reboot the game or reinstall TruckersMP ... not working. When I want to report a "best driver" tab's came after the mouse O.x And for mods I use other new save. Thanks!
  4. HiSTARâ„¢


    ... I decided post here to not make a new topic because is some problem. Mod Version: Version Controllers Used: Keyboard Description of Issue: When I open the TAB it remains stuck and I can not do anything, just F4 (Alt+F4) and restart the game. A similar problem to chat, when press Shift+Tab to use steam .. And when I come back to the game .. is blocked. Screenshots / Videos: Thanks!
  5. Thanks, I found the location but when I restart the louncher are default again.
  6. Hi, With this new auto-update ... where can i find folders like (ui / fonts), i don`t want to be default. Thanks!
  7. HiSTARâ„¢


    I fix it. I reinstall Multiplayer in a different location on SSD.
  8. HiSTARâ„¢


    Yes, but just on EU#2 i have this problem. I try EU#1 and TAB opened correctly. Hmm...
  9. HiSTARâ„¢


    I tried this but I have the same problem, but on EU1 it`s ok.
  10. HiSTARâ„¢


    ^ I uploaded on YouTube. It`s ok?
  11. HiSTARâ„¢


    Mod Version: Version Used: KeyboardDescription of Issue: I open the tab to see who is in the area, but he stayed hooked arrow.Screenshots / Videos: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0WziGoIlvJNcTBKcWM4emUzVE0/view?usp=sharing
  12. Go in Task Manager and search for Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Steam & ETS2MP Client Launcher, select it and press End Task and try reinstall the latest update MP again.
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