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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by AnesThesiaTR

  1. Thank you for the follow Drexy/35 ?

    1. Mr.Drexy


      you are welcome bro :)❤️ 

  2. Quote

    "Avutsun Bahaneler" - Sagopa Kajmer


  3. There is heavy traffic this evening


    1. Ady Man

      Ady Man

      Nice Picture :D

    2. Emirhan kurt 29
    3. ScaniaFan89


      There always is, nothing new! You should watch the days of Euro Port! 


  4. Thank you for the follow  DarkMoon [RU/EN]

  5. Thank you for the follow Ady Man ! 

  6. Congratulations wish you continued success ?

  7. Good morning , good shears

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