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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Small_Naofu

  • Birthday 01/17/1999

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  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Table tennis、Swimming、Truck、Delicious
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    Poland: Lodz
  • Known languages

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  1. Happy birthday bro. 🎂

  2. Hello everyone! I know TMP rules has been upadated ion 2020/2/8 , I have some doubts here baout if my tralier is illegal for new rules. First , I bought a HCT tralier in Finland and it has two flats. I konw it didn't against rules. Second , I set two locomotives on them and it didn't have float and overlapping. Now I want to know if it is illegal. I think it obey all the new rules.I want to get an authority answer.Thanks!
  3. Hello,guy I think your suggestion is very useful and I agree with you .But I have an experience want to share with you. Once time I played with my friends.I want to test how long Ghost Mode in the end.So I store a quicksave and read the quicksave rightnow.And then I drvie into my fiend's truck and we drive as same speed . Amazing thing happened! We drive about one minute!During the minute,our trucks still had overlapping parts and our trucks flashed all the minute.But I was bonced after one minute. I can't believe Ghost Mode can hold so long. I think now Ghost Mode is not decidede by just seconds.It may be decided by other casual factors .But I think TMP should fix this problem.Units maybe is a good solution!
  4. Yes,I had gotten my satisfied answe! Thanks for your hard working! Best whishes!
  5. Hello everyone! ?I created a new combination method with my truck by editing codes in game profile.The apperence of my truck is as follow.I want to gt some offical suggestions form here.And if you are sure that your answer is right,you can also apply behind this topic. Thank you very much!?
  6. The reason wuhy nobody respond you maybe is everybod has been involved in you voice !?
  7. I hope we can see more Chines admins in streams!(You konw I am kiding!)?
  8. I think it will be a very useful system,and It must be more popular! ?
  9. Thanks for your reminding! I will notice this question after!?
  10. I have gotten many useful suggestion from here. And I want to know some offical staff suggestion from here.
  11. Thanks for your suggestion!I think I was legal by reading rules.?
  12. Hello everyone! I was puzzled about my tralier.?Follow picture was I created today,I want to know if it is legal.?I will be appreciate if you can gvie me your valuable suggestions.? Thank you eveveryone! Good night!?
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