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Game Moderator
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Nomad.

  1. Thank you for the follow ?

  2. Thanks for the follow ?

    1. -Elvis-


      np sir good to see your in the team congrats bro .... P.S if your ever want to find me in game you know where to find me ?

    2. Nomad.


      See you on I-5 soon :kappa:

  3. Thank you for the follow ?

    1. Santi.


      Thanks you too!

  4. Sorry fingers slipped
  5. Thank you and thank you also for the follow ?

  6. Thank you for the follow ?

    1. Dylаn


      No problem! Thanks for the follow back!?

  7. Thank you for the follow ?

  8. Thank you for the follow ?

    1. NightBIade


      No worries buddy, and thank you for the follow as well ?

  9. Nomad.

    add skin

    If ypur trying to install it for TMP it wont work as the only mods supported are weather mods and Promods, for single player however you need to put them in your mod folder then in game mod manager
  10. Love the Iceland journeys #CourtzCarriers


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