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[Founder] Marius

Veteran Driver V
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About [Founder] Marius

  • Birthday April 16

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bergen, Norway
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • Known languages
    Norwegian, English

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  1. Make sure to check out our brand new website. Feel free to let us know what you think You can find it here: https://qualityexpressvtc.eu
  2. Quality Express is celebrating its 1 year anniversary tonight and we are hosting an official convoy so everyone can come celebrate with us!! More info here: https://ets2c.com/view/82785/milkybarkid1995-frankfurt-hotel
  3. We got big things coming our way soon! Our management and staff team has been working on this for a long time, and its soon to be implemented. We are doing some significant changes for the better, after suggestions from our members, + a surprise! Make sure to come in today and join the crew!
  4. Suggestion Name: Forum Chat Suggestion Description: Add a chat in the TruckersMP forums for registered users to use. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: It should be added to the forums because it will bring the community even closer together, and people can hang around more in the forums and do small talk, which we all know doesn't belong in a forum post. I think it might increase the forum activity because then people can be active in the community when they are not in-game (if they are on holidays, traveling etc).
  5. This post should be read by all new and existing TMP users so more people can avoid the C-D road and spread out more across the map. This guide shows a lot of great alternative routes to/from Calais/Duisburg.
  6. Ja har sett noen som bruker for eksempel (NOR) som tag eller lignende, har også møtt og snakket med et par norske men hvis jeg skal sammenligne den norske aktiviteten med for eksempel tyrkisk aktivitet så er den jo minimal. Usikker på om folk bare rett og slett ikke er flink nok til å reppe Norge eller om TMP bare er lite populært i Norge. Det Norske subforumet her inne er vertfall så og si helt dødt.
  7. Lite aktivitet her inne ja, syns vi norske burde gjøre oss mer synlige på TruckersMP. Har spillt TMP i ca 1,5 år og spiller enda men mest i perioder. Joinet et VTC så og si med en gang jeg begynte å spille TMP men endte fort opp med å starte et nytt VTC. Det har vert operativt i et år nå i August og lengre skal det bli. Hvis dere er interessert i å spille eller eventuelt kanskje joine Quality Express så kan dere finne mer info om det i ETS2 Companies. Eventuelt kan dere plinge på i DM eller på Discord, min Discord ID er Marius#0808 Håper jeg ser noen av dere in-game
  8. Our website has now been optimized for mobile phones aswell! Check it out here: https://www.qualityexpressvtc.com We have also opened applications for more Convoy Crew members and Social Media Specialist to manage our social media platforms, if you're up for the challenge come on into our discord and submit an application!
  9. Quality Express are still hiring drivers!! We are also looking to fill some staff roles, come on in and have a look what its like today, you won't regret!
  10. We are continuously looking for new drivers for our Virtual Trucking Company, come on in today for a chat to see if this is the perfect community for you!
  11. I really think this is a good idea. My VTC focus on simulation, and we would love to see this happen. +1 from me!
  12. Quality Express is still hiring drivers, check us out today, you will not regret!
  13. Our newest feature has just been added! Our driver rank system is now implemented, when you qualify for a new rank you will get rewarded. Why not become a part of the team today? Join our discord for more information!
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