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Veteran Driver VII
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About myluki2000

  • Birthday 06/21/2000

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  1. Happy birthday. I hope have a good years!  

  2. They would. Ever watched a livestream with donation reading by a computer? People spam iiiii or wwwww all the time just to annoy people
  3. Just write that the speedlimit is 90 km/h so people know what the speed limit is
  4. Same thing could be said if SL was Server 2. then it would be unfair for people who want SL.
  5. Why is this useless? It fixes crashes
  6. Crashes have been fixed. Just because it crashes doesn't mean they didn't fi crashes. There can be more than 1 type of crash
  7. You guys need to understand that "fixed crashes" means the fixed crashes. But not ALL crashes. They fixed one type of crash, not all
  8. Not everyone rams the same.
  9. Was already suggested. A system to prevent crashes when going out of a NCZ will come in the future
  10. Bad idea, because the admin reviewing the ban appeal might not know what happened. The user could be lying. Then the reviewer would have to ask the admin who banned the user. But then that admin who banned him could also do the appeal when he has to be asked.
  11. In another thread i can't remember an admin said they already have a few guidelines and are expanding them.
  12. Double post because of phone lag
  13. Make them 50% transparent. Not fully
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