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Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by MarkON

  1. ? An hour ago :tmp::

    About 44% of players on Simulation 2 were in:

    • near the construction site of TruckersMP
    • on the C-D road with the cities of Calais, Duisburg inclusive.

    The remaining 56% of players were in other areas of the map.

    ? https://traffic.krashnz.com/

  2. 1. Warto wspomnieć o stronie: https://americantrucksimulator.com/texas/ Można na niej znaleźć wiele informacji związanych z Texas DLC jak również na dole strony: filmy, zdjęcia oraz pobrać tapetę w danym rozmiarze. Co ciekawe jest również lista planowanych tematów, które będą umieszczone na blogu i w mediach społecznościowych SCS Software (przy czym z zastrzeżeniem, że może ulec zmianie). Do tej pory opublikowano tylko nieznaczną część poszczególnych treści związanych z tym stanem. ------------------------------- 2. Na serwerach TruckersMP trwa event związany z budową siedziby: https://truckersmp.com/blog/265. Wydarzenie to jedno ale na pewno warty uwagi jest system osiągnięć na stronie internetowej oraz System śledzenia ofert pracy TruckersMP. Na ten moment nie ma zbyt wielu szczegółów związanych z planach w tym zakresie. Lecz można domniemać iż w przyszłości pojawi się coś w rodzaju bardziej zaawansowanych osiągnięć jak na World of Trucks i Trucky oraz być może zbiór wszystkich dostaw danego gracza + statystyki jak na TrucksBooku. Gracze wciąż dostarczają materiały związane z bazą. Jeżeli ktoś nie bierze udziału w dostarczania ładunków tam, a ma trasę przebiegającą przez okolice Wrocławia warto rozważyć alternatywną czasem dłuższą drogę aby nie utknąć w dość znacznym korku. Autostrada A4 jest w większości czasu przejezdna natomiast problemy występuje na drodze z Wrocławia do Pragi (szczególnie na odcinku od kopalni do siedziby województwa dolnośląskiego).
  3. MarkON

    Operation HQ

    Hello @Owen. Is the following TruckersMP paint job on the trailers has been added only for the duration of the event or will it stay longer on servers for all players? Yours sincerely MarkON
  4. Hey, It looks like something amazing with a lot of potential. Due to the Operation HQ event, some questions arise related to the latest update and this system. Is this system currently in its early stages and can only recognize if someone has done one job in the event and add the achievement or is it something more advanced now? For example, is it possible to see how many jobs a particular player has done in Operation HQ, as a result, how many cargoes have been transported by all players during this event? Observations immediately come to mind. I have been seeing for years that enthusiasts of SCS Software games would very much like to see a given WoTr achievement included also the total number of completed jobs during an event or any an achievement for very ambitious players. I keep my fingers crossed that such possibility could be implemented in this system at TruckersMP. If such a solution, advanced statistical possibilities appeared in the own job tracker system and achievements TruckersMP, it would be something fantastic and unique. It undoubtedly encouraged the players to even greater involvement in your personal goal.
  5. Suggestion Name: Temporarily change the default location after loading the Realtime map for TruckersMP. Suggestion Description: I believe it is worth changing the default location in the map:https://map.truckersmp.com/ . Calais (now) near Wrocław(soon). So that after loading the map, the area around Wrocław showing the location of the new headquarters is visible. This has to do with an ongoing event: Operation HQ. More information: https://truckersmp.com/blog/265 I suggest changing default location on the following Euro Truck Simulator 2 servers: Simulation 1, Simulation 2, [US] Simulation, [SGP] Simulation and Arcade. Any example images: Why should it be added?: To be able to easily and quickly be able to preview the involvement of players on individual servers Additionally, increase the interest in the event for people using the map, if someone has not heard about it Due to the fact that in the past the default location of the TMP map also changed during the course of various other events
  6. ? Achievements on individual profiles at TruckersMP website.



    ?‍? It looks like Web Developers and other staff something cooking ?


    I wonder if it will be something like Steam, Trucky, World of Trucks, mainly related to cargoes / events or something more unique related to TMP such as:

    Try the ProMods server

    Play 20 hours a month on TruckersMP servers
    Use an alternate vehicle during the given turn
    Log in to the site 10 times a month

    Long term:
    Use 4 seasonal mods for different seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter) while on the servers.


    Personally, if I had to guess, I would say that something related to the event mentioned on to the latest teaser: 

    A New Home!? - Operation HQ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4Re6VAi0v8

    For example: Complete at least 10 deliveries to/from the construction of TruckersMP HQ.

    1. [C-S] Daniek.

      [C-S] Daniek.

      I have also noticed that. How will it work... :thinking:

  7. Suggestion Name: Support for one of the winter addon. Namely: "Clean Roads" Suggestion Description: Grimes, the author of Frosty Winter Mod, developed and released the Clean Roads add-on.The files with the instructions were posted on the scs forum. Addon Clean Roads for American Truck Simulator was released yesterday: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=1663010#p1663010 Addintionally, Clean Roads addon for Euro Truck Simulator 2 was released today: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=1663357#p1663357 Added: 12.02.2022 15:40 utc: {Recently the author of the addon, Grimes, also posted addons on his official blog along with instructions as well: Clean Roads Addon v9.0 (ETS 2) https://grimesmods.wordpress.com/2017/05/18/frosty-winter-weather-mod/ Clean Roads Addon v4.5 (ATS) https://grimesmods.wordpress.com/2017/05/04/frosty-winter-weather-mod-ats/ } Any example images: source: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=1663357#p1663357 and https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=1663010#p1663010 Why should it be added?: It is an excellent option for people who like order because there is practically no snow on the roads. The roads are in a much better visual condition than having only the main frosty file without the heavy addition. A more choice for players related to addons and a favorable option to take, in my opinion, nicer photos. It more closely reflects the current situation in February in many places. It is getting warmer, the roads are clearer. SCS only started promoting Update 1.44 yesterday. So before the next posts are finally Open Beta, then Update for single player and finally support 1.44 on TruckersMP. It may take a few weeks or much more. Common sense dictates: there is no fear that update 1.44 will be released on TruckersMP in a few days and the work on supporting the addon: Clean Roads (1.43) will be ruined. It doesn't take long for developers to support individual addons. 38 days left until spring season begins, which is quite a long time.
  8. Witam, Dzisiaj trochę dłuższy wpis. Chciałbym poruszyć kilka kwestii, może ciekawostek, trochę po spekulować i zacytować parę treści. ------------------------------------- Dobrze zobaczyć pierwszą wzmiankę o 1.44! Do tej pory SCS Software unikał łączenia jakiejś nadchodzącej nowości z tą wersją co nie wygląda optymistycznie dla entuzjastów na przykład przebudowy Kalifornii w ATS czy miłośników austriackich dróg w ETS 2. ------------------------------------- Teaser TruckersMP 9 lutego 2022r. na swoim kanale YouTube TruckersMP opublikowało film/teaser związany z nadchodzącym wydarzeniem i nie tylko. ? Oglądając film można dostrzec wiele ciekawych nowości. Dodatkowo posługując się wieloma wskazówkami i publicznymi informacjami można próbować ułożyć to w jedną całość. Choć znając życie i tak część przypuszczeń okaże się totalnie błędna. Co widzimy na filmie z nowych/starych rzeczy: ? 1. Akcesoria kabinowe TruckersMP oraz pojazd Scout na półce w kabinie. Brak informacji związanych z tym kiedy będzie dostępne i dla jakiego grona graczy. Część może być część dostępna tylko dla Patronów ponieważ rzeczy do kabiny były przedmiotem wielu sugestii w tym zakresie i ewentualnych korzyści za wsparcie projektu. 2. Malowanie naczepy TruckersMP. Coś co było widoczne w 2019 r. na jednym z filmów związanych z promowaniem współpracy z partnerem ProMods. Pytania o dostępność dla graczy w tym zakresie były kilkukrotnie na ten moment ciężko przewidzieć czy malowanie pojawiło się tylko i wyłącznie do filmu w celach promocyjnych czy również jest w zaawansowanej formie i będzie udostępnione graczom. ? 3. Plac budowy nowej siedziby TruckersMP, wydaje się że wraz z miejscami na oddanie ładunków. 4. Pojazdy do przewozu materiałów budowlanych i paliwa na poboczu drogi. Co ciekawe mają polskie tablice rejestracyjne. Podsumowując, wygląda więc na to, że TruckersMP chce mieć własną siedzibę, budynek lub coś więcej w grze(dostępny na serwerach TMP). Aby myśleć o siedzibie niezbędna jest jakaś lokalizacja. Biorąc pod uwagę wiele czynników takich jak polskie tablice rejestracyjne na pojazdach budowlanych widocznych w filmie, roślinność, lokalizację irl nie powinno być jakimś zaskoczeniem gdy będą to okolice Wrocławia?? choć to tylko moje przypuszczenie. W opisie filmu zostało wspomniane: Czy jesteś gotowy, aby wziąć udział w wyjątkowym wydarzeniu?! Może to być wydarzenie związane z budową tej siedziby. Jeżeli tak będzie to patrząc w kalendarz na myśl przychodzi weekend 26-27 marca tego roku. Wiele wskazuje na to, że gracze podczas wydarzenia będą dostarczać ładunki budowlane i paliwo oraz być może coś wywozić z placu budowy za pomocą pojazdów naprzemiennych. Choć nie wykluczałbym również normalnych zestawów. ?Przy okazji krótka wzmianka dla osób narzekających, że przygotowanie tych pojazdów tak zwanych naprzemiennych i innych tego typu dla graczy i personelu, że zajmuje ciągle bardzo dużo czasu itd. warto zaznaczyć, że cała praca została wykonana z góry, mniej więcej rok temu. Przygotowanie nowych pojazdów zajmuje teraz około 10 minut + testy. https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/107452-answered-add-on-managment-a-few-questions/#comment-1041936 ------------------------------------- ? Autobus (y) Kolejna kwestia która została zapowiedziana w grudniu 2021r. czyli autobusy, współpraca z Dbus World. Dobrą wiadomością jest fakt iż pierwszy autobus Bluebus osiągający prędkość maksymalną około 77 km/h i na TruckersMP również będzie to obowiązujące. Niezależnie od serwera i uprawnień w grze. W przyszłości nie jest wykluczone, że zostaną dodane kolejne autobusy na przykład Iveco Evadys. Wydaje się, że nie ma żadnych przeszkód związanych z kwestiami licencyjnymi w takim zakresie. Po prostu wspieramy modyfikacje stworzone przez naszych partnerów. Ich licencje obejmują korzystanie z tego w American Truck Simulator i/lub Euro Truck Simulator 2, a TruckersMP korzysta również z tych 2 gier. Więc to jest coś, co oni muszą mieć zorganizowane/uporządkowane. wspomniał w Q&A Game Producer TruckersMP. Autobusy DBus World mają być dostępne bezpłatnie dla wszystkich graczy. ------------------------------------- ?? Unikalna liczba graczy na TruckersMP w danym miesiącu Optymistyczną informacją jest to, że TruckersMP wciąż posiada sporo graczy, którzy choć w mniejszym stopniu nadal zaglądają, spędzają czas na TruckersMP. Jak wspomniał developer w grudniu 2021 r. liczba unikalnych graczy wyniosła 240 000 natomiast w styczniu 2022 r. 250 000 graczy unikalnych graczy https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/107531-answered-dev%C2%A0unique-number-of-players-per-month/ ps. W okolicach czerwca 2021r. kiedy to liczba graczy online była kilkukrotnie większa niż teraz było około 400 000 unikalnych graczy o czym wspomniano w materiale prasowym. ------------------------------------- Podwójne/potrójne naczepy nadal "tańczą" ?? na TruckersMP Choć znany od długiego czasu problem, błąd związany z podwójnymi naczepami i ich wczytywaniem, został naprawiony na postoju podczas podczepiania naczepy: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/98834-double-trailers-hitting-users-when-detached/ To nadal należy uważać podczas jazdy na podwójne/potrójne naczepy w sytuacji kiedy ma się mniejsze bądź tym bardziej większe lagi przy wczytywaniu dużej ilości graczy lub związane z internetem. Pozdrawiam MarkON
  9. ? A New Home!? - Operation HQ :tmp:

    TruckersMP cabin accessories


    TruckersMP posted a teaser on YouTube channel:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4Re6VAi0v8

    What can be seen in the video:

    1. Cabin accessories: TruckersMP pennant and Scout vehicle on the shelf:



    2. TruckersMP paintjob, appeared in the past, among others in the ProMods trailer. Perhaps it will be available to players soon:



    3. Construction site with slots, places for delivery:




    Given many factors from license plates on construction vehicles, the location of the irl and the availability of space on the ets2 basemap. I think that TMP HQ will be located near Wrocław??.

    I speculate that players will drive construction materials and fuel to the construction site, possibly with alternative construction vehicles as well.


    ps. Half-jokingly, half-seriously maybe through one of the windows you will be able to see the developer washing the floor after work, while there will be 26-27 player inquiries on the computer screen "when the latest update will be available on TruckersMP".


    I can't wait to find out more information about the event and other things showed to this video.

  10. No w końcu ? Doczekaliśmy się pierwszego dłuższego materiału wideo pokazujący dodatek HoR! Kilka rzeczy, które rzuciły mi się w oczy w tym filmie z nadchodzącego DLC Heart of Russia: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1536500/Euro_Truck_Simulator_2__Heart_of_Russia/ Mianowicie: Znak z odległością do danego miasta [3m 25s]: Sygnalizacja świetlna [7m 14s]: Nowy model autobusu AI? [14m 56s]: Droga dojazdowa do miejsca rozładunku w strefie zamieszkania [20m 01s]:
  11. Hey @Bangshuai6 Perhaps there was a problem with the next payment, or by accident, instead of hiding your membership on your profile, you disconnected it. Patroen Support: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us It is worth noting that you have been a patron since February 1 05:24 UTC which is from January 31 21:24 Pacific Time. This is a very unfavorable join time for you as a player due to: Payments process in Pacific Time (PT). If you’d like to subscribe on the first of the month, check what time it is in PT, before joining - you’ll be billed on the first of the following month, regardless of your join date. source: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/208404313-I-paid-upfront-for-my-membership It is worth checking time zones in the future and joining when the 1st day of a given month starts, but in Pacific Time: https://time.is/pl/PT ADD: I also had this problem, it was enough to wait a few, dozen hours and I was able to connect my Patreon account with TruckersMP. Kind regards, MarkON
  12. Thanks for adding the information Well, I will probably participate. It may turn out that this is the last convoy at TruckersMP among others: in and around Innsbruck before the planned Austria Rework project by SCS. In addition, there is a ski jump in the starting town, so there will be atmospheric photos? in the winter weather ?️?️. Happy Trucking ?
  13. When will the event take place and what time will it start? There is no such information either in this thread or in the dedicated discord channel.
  14. ?SCS Software opublikował na Twitterze krótki filmik związany z przebudową Austrii:
  15. Fakt. Patrzyłem na zdjęcia i są klimatyczne drogi. Góry, morza, lasy i gęsto zaludnione obszary typu: Zagrzeb i okolice, może Belgrad (jeżeli Serbia zawita do dlc). Kilka screenów z mapy google: ??Póki co pracownik SCS przygotował krótki film związany z przebudową Austrii, który ma zostać opublikowany wkrótce. https://twitter.com/mistrcenda/status/1486698232839380999 Warto obserwować: https://blog.scssoft.com/ po więcej informacji.
  16. After many TMP staff posts, it looks like 2022 will be full of news and features. A natural question arises related to promoting, showing and presenting modifications. 1. Are there any plans to also go beyond the area of TruckersMP and your partners to promote multiplayer and gain mutual benefits? I mean many industry portals and websites related to games, trucks, mods and such topics in general. In any various forms of information, marketing campaigns, promotion, and interviews. Was there at least a 'brainstorming' to that extent? 2. Did TruckersMP staff try to initiate common live-stream with SCS in any form? Of course, I'm aware of possible compromises and difficult discussions about the form of such transmission. Maybe not even at the developer level, but for example Community Management, a story about the community, daily duties and various projects that are created for each community. In short, is TruckersMP + SCS Software staff common live-stream a mission impossible or not necessarily? 3. Will there be common campaigns, competitions, marketing things together with Official Partners, more than what was in the past? 4. Is it possible to organize Gleam Giveaway and by the way to encourage players to visit and follow TruckersMP and your Partner(s) social media?
  17. 1. Are the roadworks lights synchronized on Simulation server? If yes, why after disconnecting from the server these lights still work while the traffic lights at intersections go off? DBus World 2. When was the idea of cooperation with DBus World born: autumn 2020 earlier or later? 3. Was the size of the file size decisive when choosing your first bus or were there other technical considerations? Other 4. Game Moderators can set their local time in the game console (`) with the command for example: g_set_time 12, while other players get a message that this command cannot be used in multiplayer mode. Is it possible to set the permissions to selected commands depending not so much on the rank as on the particular server? For example, all players can change the time on the Arcade server. 5. Sometimes, after some update, players after changing with the g_traffic command, for example to 1, turned on traffic and it was visible but not synchronized on TruckersMP servers. It was a probably bug, but it raised questions. In addition, it showed that it is somehow possible, but on the Simulation servers it was very disadvantageous because the AI is out of sync. Is it technically possible that players could turn on the AI traffic even out of sync on the Arcade server? Does this type of feature need to be disabled throughout TruckersMP regardless of the server? Yours sincerely MarkON
  18. 1. In the last 3-4 years, has there been any very, very difficult moment related to support a given update, feature, to such an extent that you had to ask for advice SCS Software? 2. Usually, while waiting for support for a new update, players can see you on ETS 2 servers, less often and rather closer to the release of support for a given version on the ATS server. If it is just your choice, work plan or are there any technical factors affect it? 3. A few months ago on Simulation 2 I could see how you are working on some system related to placing objects on the server. For example, crates in Poznan and vehicle at the gas station near Rotterdam. It was interesting that you can put some object or sometimes many of the same objects (for example a few crates) on an online server and it is all in sync. But at the time it seemed to me that it didn't work perfectly as it was difficult to move many objects at once. -Can you mention if you found a way to move multiple items? -What are your expectations with this system? Is it heading towards big feature, or rather are you improvement something that already exists? For example: the system for individual activities of selected staff, things appearing at official events: cones, road signs etc.? 4. In September 2020, it was mentioned: There are 3 stages to the porting process: Functions porting (takes the longest. Weeks, months even) classes porting, hooks porting (take only a few days) There are a few more days of bug fixing and testing required. -Is this plan more or less up to date? -If yes, are you able in the future during work on the update, write personally or through Management short information on what stage of work you are at? --------------- 5.* After so many years of working on TruckersMP, especially supporting individual updates, do you feel any stress, pressure related to it? Being aware that a lot of players use TMP and they can waiting for your action. If so, which is helpful, good music, different games, running, other? *I'm aware: Keep in mind that you can ask us anything, but, we can choose not to answer some personal questions Yours sincerely MarkON
  19. I have seen a few times that a unique number of players per month on TruckersMP. Some time ago in one of the discussions mwl4 mentioned such a number. I also saw this topic an article PC Gamer in June 2021. Specifically: The popular multiplayer mod TruckersMP has around 400,000 unique players a month. 1. Does TruckersMP keep such statistics constantly to see from month to month what the number of unique players looks like? 2. Can you write how many unique players were using TMP in December 2021? I wonder, what is the indicative order of magnitude: 40,000 players, 80,000 or more?
  20. ??If the current SCS carrier:kappa:does not remove the vehicles from the bus stops, the drivers of the upcoming partner: DBus World along with the new electric vehicles - BlueBus may have a problem.


  21. 1. Alternating vehicles How long does it usually take to prepare vehicles that are added monthly? What is the indicative order of magnitude for two vehicles: 5 hours, 15 hours or for example 30 hours or more? 2. On March 17, 2021, the Project Manager at Q&A on TruckersMP Twitch mentioned that Add On Team had 25 projects that were ongoing. Looking at the last 10 months. How would you rate the progress of work? Were most of the projects successfully implemented? Have there been any that have been canceled? 3. What is the current status related to this Confirmed Bug: Scout rear mirror zoom (ETS) https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/80084-scout-rear-mirror-zoom-ets/ (no action / planned fixed / in progress / repaired and implemented soon)?
  22. 1. Tachograph simulation for players: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/23876-tachograph-simulation-for-players/ Community Manager mentioned a year ago that: "It is not a high priority as some internal projects are more important right now but it will be done!" Is after a year, has the tachograph work been started even at an early stage of design or is it still on the to-do list? 2. Player version of the report demo system: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/80454-player-version-of-the-report-demo-system/ About 3 years ago, one of the players: Titanic4 raised an interesting topic related to: "Player version of the report demo system". It's been a long time, now TruckersMP very likely has more possibilities. Has it been reconsidered in 2021/2022? What do you think about it nowadays? 3. Special Transport at TruckersMP What are your expectations for this feature? Does in your opinion it has to be fully synchronized with the visible AI pilots? Would you allow, for example, an option less related to simulation, for example: driving on a no-collision- server without synchronizing AI pilots? What is the course of action in this regard? 4. A fully custom set of trailers We heard about it in October 2020: https://truckersmp.com/blog/226. After that, it was mentioned a few times. Initially, it was planned for the first part of 2021. Have the priorities related to this function or the concept of what it should look like changed? Is it still a set of trailers or will this project be limited to one trailer initially, and the next ones may appear some time later? 5. There was a fairly significant the number of players has decreased in mid-2021. Since then, it's not good looking at the number of players in statistics. This is probably related to the release of the Convoy mode by SCS, among other things. Has any action been taken in this regard? For example, were you considering something unique that theoretically does not exist in the official multiplayer: even more emphasis on organization big events and to again analyse possibility the support of Special Transport? 6. Internal projects - staff commitment Often, players can see, hear information, formulation: internal improvements, updates and generally things for the Team. Currently, Can you reveal the current direction? Are there still a lot of internal work in progress and more are on the horizon or many internal projects are on the way to completion and then a lot of people will move to work on public things? 7. Have you thought about finding sponsors for TruckersMP? I mean companies not individual players.
  23. ProMods TruckersMP uses the ProMods mod on a few servers. As is known on ProMods, there are many companies and brands operating IRL. So, we can see individual brands on TMP servers. 1. Does TruckersMP incur some license fees related to the use of logos IRL brands in ProMods servers? DBus World Soon TruckersMP will be supporting DBus World modification. Here a similar question arises. 2. Will TruckersMP simply support individual DBus World buses free of charge? Did you have to get approval from the Bolloré Group to use the BlueBus? 3. In order to use Iveco Evadys on TruckersMP in the future, would it have to incur any costs related to the license or at least get approval?
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