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Veteran Driver VI
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About Taaasty

  • Birthday 07/07/1999

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Norway, Europe
  • Interests
    - Heavy Equipment Operator
    - Trucking and Streaming
    - Fitness and Supermotard
    - Helping the Community!

    - Flight Simulator X
    - Farming Simulator 17
    - Euro Truck Simulator 2
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Norway: Kristiansand
  • Known languages
    Norwegian, English. Also understand Swedish, Danish and German.

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  1. Happy Birthday!  ❤️

  2. Hello there, @bransonpictures. There was a teamspeak server used by TruckersMP ages ago. I'm not quite sure if they still use it cause the teamspeak was rented by a 3rd party member. I'd prefer using the *new* discord server to TruckersMP. If you really want the Teamspeak, there was a Teamspeak under the domain "ts3.ets2mp.com". Kind Regards, Taaasty
  3. Hello there, @[AC] xaverracer ! I'd prefer creating a topic under suggestions for an event server. Your suggestion will be reviewed and result in an accepted/denied suggestion. https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/8-new-suggestions/ Kind Regards, Taaasty
  4. Hello there, @Tank_248. You'll find servers with speed limits at the server status page. There will be more information at the link given below. Server Status: https://truckersmp.com/status Kind Regards, Taaasty
  5. Hello there, @XGERXDEVOX. I'd like to confirm there is no other exit other then were you entered the car park. If you head over to were you entered the car park, you'll see a exit sign. There is no need to panic, cause this is not against the in-game rules, cause it's legal to park there. Kind Regards, Taaasty
  6. Hello there, @Dustin.M.Weaver. Create a backup of the files you want to move (mods, savefiles). Don't proceed before making a backup. Create a folder on your secondary disk where you will move the mod files. Let's say D:\ETS2\Yourname (Replace "yourname"). Run windows command prompt as administrator, and proceed with the following. mklink /D C:\Users\yourUser\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\temp D:\ETS2\yourname. This will create a folder named 'temp' inside your regular ETS2 folder that points to D:\ETS2\Yourname. Test if the symbolic link is working by accessing: C:\Users\yourUser\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2*temp*. Rename or delete your original mod folder: C:\Users\yourUser\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod). Rename the temp folder as mod: "\Euro Truck Simulator 2\temp" --> \Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod. Now your mod folder inside "C:\Users\yourUser\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod" should point to "D:\ETS2\Yourname" Kind Regards, Taaasty
  7. Hello there, @LiamDaNut. If you want to check you're game hours on either games. Sign in to steam and click on you're profile. Head over to you're games, and find American Truck Simulator (ATS). You will then find a little quote"xx.x hrs on record" under the game title. I'd prefer to test if you have an advertiser blocker activated on you're browser. Click the link given here "https://ads-blocker.com/testing/" and follow the instructions, it's simpel. You can also head over to YouTube and check out some trending videos, if you do not have an adverstier blocker there will be advertisment. Kind Regards, Taaasty
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