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Veteran Driver VII
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About Tank_248

  • Birthday December 6

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    United States
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Newcastle-upon-Tyne
  • Known languages

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  1. Mod Version: Version Controllers Used: Keyboard steering Description of Issue: Random 0% or current damage on truck and trailer How to reproduce: driving near and under the overpass in Odesene Screenshots / Videos: None
  2. i see thx does it mean that there will be an update to fix this issue
  3. I have no idea why most of the Little Italia DLC is not non-colissionable this is not right and it will cause a panic with the players when is this gonna get fix or was this intentional by the TMP staff if so that's fine and all I don't mind but other might not.
  4. okay so the united states server should not have one then casue i dont see the icon for it and yet it limits the speed how does that work lol
  5. @legress its says my graphics is up to date must be poor graphics i never had this issue before i wont have it when i get a custom build thx anyways you brought up a good point to do
  6. I was wondering why my screen gets messed up and pixed when its rains is it my computer or the game???
  7. I was wondering what icon on the server selection list has a limited speedlimit if it doenst should it have one???
  8. hi i was driving on a two lane road and a driver overtakes me in an unsafe manner if im not mistaken that is against the rules so i reported this person and the system advised me that the gaem play was recorded so why did the person not get banned in fact the system said no action was taken this is the persons ID 677302
  9. How come i filed reports on people breaking rules but yet no admin has claimed the report ive got youtube video links of the issues and yet ive got report that are nearly one month old so why have you not claimed them yet
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