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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Solaric

  1. TruckersMP kicks autokicks you at 600 ping. 600 ping is quite hard to achieve in my opinion, but you can try to connect to a closer server to the TruckersMP servers which to my knowledge, the European servers are in France. Hope this helped.
  2. You could try these 2 things and let me know how it goes: 1. Recalibrate it via the ETS2 settings 2. Center your wheel out, unplug it from your PC, center the ingame wheel, and then replug your wheel. I run a T300 so I unfortunately don't exactly know how to fix G29 issues, but I hope that helps.
  3. Seems like your game is missing some files or they are corrupted. Try verifying your game Euro Truck Simulator 2 game files to ensure that any files arent missing or corrupted.
  4. Well, you're mostly not doing anything wrong. Truckers can pass you safely without having to swerve. In my opinion, this is all good, but i'm sure if you don't have anything urgent you could find a better place.
  5. kuuulge, me peame selle foorumi tagasi aktiivseks saama! kui teil on mõtteid, plz kirjutage reply. kthxbye (ma teen nii palju vigu kui saan) igastahes jah, heartige seda ja stuffi
  6. Welcome to the community! Hope you have a wonderful time here!

  7. Hello kind fellows, ladies and gentleman. I did not die. I was In a bad condition for a very long time and will now be active on the forums of TruckersMP! It  will bee good if someone welcomed me back. :)


    See ya trucking!

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      welcome back mate :) 

    2. Fricorico(NL)


      oh i should've read this post first, that's what i get for not checking my profile on the webpage often i guess.. good to hear you made it man :D let's truck together again, once truckersmp has adapted the new update of ets2 that is( i already checked out the update in singleplayer and now i can't use my profile in downgraded ets2 anymore :P)


  8. So i'm not someone you say something too?


    That's rude.





    I'm still slowly dying tho.

    1. AshlynsGaming
    2. [MCG] Kien Giang
    3. Solaric


      IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT, look at the bottom post..

  9. So, i just wanted to say. I might die. If i do, it's been a good experience and i've enjoed the community. Thank you @Fricorico(NL) and @[A.G]>001<SHI G*Nameplate. It's been a pleasure to be a veteran in the ETS2 community.



    The Sickness I have is: 





    It's been a pleasure.


    Famous Motocross Star (okay im not famous)


    1. Fricorico(NL)


      oh my god man, i had no idea. is there no way of getting better? i don't know what to say actually, i hope you do recover. hope to see you back playing games, get well!

      so i hope this ain't goodbye,


      all the best to you,


  10. Hello, royal truckers, I will not be online as much because i've ben dignosed Pneumonia. sorry for my english im from Europe. (North) and I would most likely not be online at any day at all. For around a week or 2.

    1. stilldre1976


      get well soon buddy

    2. CN-ShiGuang


      Pray that you will get better soon.

  11. i'm a little late aren't i xd https://gyazo.com/511303fcee71f733699d7b358738b675
  12. I think all DLC's are accepted, Heavy Cargo Pack is supported in the game. I've played with it alot of times.
  13. Hellllllo, i can't put @ At my email. What's wrong with it? I just today downloaded TruckersMP. Could you guys help me a little bit?
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