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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by sgpch1983

  1. kanal 9 ist der offizielle deutschsprachige kanal für lkw fahrer und gleichzeitig der offizielle notrufkanal in deutschland (ich sprech hier vom RL). logischerweise benutz man dann auch genau diesen in ets. übrigenst.. wenn wir schon dabei sind.. kanal 19 ist im ats aka in den usa auch der im RL richtige kanal.
  2. ich wünschte sie würden ihn mit dem frühling mod versetzen wenns draussen soweit ist. ich lass ihn auf jeden fall an, bis er via patch entfernt wird.
  3. Love the Winter Mod, only think wrong in my opinion is the road textures.. also in my opinion the spring mod should be used next.. lets depict all seasons.. not only summer and winter.
  4. looks like the trolls and nfstruckers are winning the vote.. couldnt we make the fixtraileralways option to a fixtrailerifnotwot? O.o also where is the "removefixcommand" option?
  5. i think /fix is the wrong move and a mistake.

  6. ^^ i feel like you didnt get what i was saying here.. again: fixing damage the normal way costs money.. if /fix does not cost money its a free tool for trolls to ramm, fix, repeat! i said costs not get! a solution to the troll problem would be more admins.. but that topic is talked about in an other thread
  7. does /fix cost money? if not you have just release the ultimate best tool for trolls.. ramm player, free fix, do it again.. -.- there has to be another way to really deal with trolls! if it does cost money to /fix ive said nothing. also.. i only do wot jobs.. why? im affected with the economy bug.. i have no normal jobs in mp regardless what i do! so its not only the perfect troll tool but also usless to me.
  8. regarding the renaut t and the man tgx e6: this only means the models exist and are ready in case the ok is someday given.. no lets hope they keep them save in the archive maybe someday we get them. dont hype to much i dont see them coming soon..
  9. @CrankY_is_my_name ich war vorhin on.. 15uhr ingame.. bin ohne licht losgefahren und 5 sek später kam die warnung das ich in 10 sek flieg wenn ich kein licht an mach.. soviel dazu.. mich störts halt.. weil der realität nicht entspricht.. aber gut.. is egal.. kein bock weiter drüber zu diskutieren ist nicht zielführend.
  10. ^ falsch ich reg mich drüber auf bei tag (hell) licht anmachen zu müssen! richtig lesen bringt vorteile.
  11. @DavinaETS not in germany!
  12. ^ naja die leute zwingen (wie ich jede form des zwanges hasse.. erinner sehr an adolf), tagsüber mit licht zu fahren würde ja auch keiner tun... und von mauern brauch ich ja auch nicht mehr sprechen *satire
  13. @Driftport wie? du regst dich nicht über den licht zwang auf?? nanu - muss ich das allein tun?
  14. sorry i had the times backwards.. i object about driving (or being forced to) with lights at daytime! night time, no problem.. my complaint is daytime lights outside scandinavia and the force.. i highly dislike being forced!
  15. wait? you force headlights even in daytime now?? unrealistic!! also 10 sec is really a bit steep.. make it 30.. and no im not a ghost driver.. i turn my light on from 19 to 7 like it was told in chat every time! also consider players with bad computer and ones how are not playing with wintermod.. please review/rethink that approach to the problem of players without lights at night!! @mwl4
  16. I wish the team and everyone else nice holydays.. how ever, could we please have a patch so i can drive (with out wintermod or special transport dlc) during the holydays without downgrading?? please @mwl4 @Kat_pw :D

  17. i think the heavyer loads may need a second truck pushing from behind.. i dont think thats something scs can depict.. its to bad that the routes are not just closed for normal traffic.. than one could drive in the middle of the street.. its really really unrealisticly tight sometimes with the traffic. also the back vehicle has a digital roadsign but does not use it.. realisticly it should be up and show the "no overtaking" sign.. dont you think so??
  18. if you would love to why not just do it.. look up the greek reallife channel, set it up ingame if possible and tell all your greek friends and people about it (and tell your cb channel number via the tag system). i did already.. i only talk with german drivers as im on cb channel 9.. i dont think english only should be implemented. -1
  19. good that every language has a dedicated channel in reallife.. channel 9 in europe for german as a example. channel 19 is a usa thing!
  20. i guess no.. but lets wait and see what the tmp development team does and tells us.
  21. doesnt playing the unsupported italy dlc count as playing outside supported map borders? as everyone in italy dlc could in theory get a ban becouse they broke the rule not to play outside map borders??? im talking about §2.11. just asking.. :) i want security about this befor i play.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sgpch1983


      well atm its not supported so §2.11 would apply i guess..

    3. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      No, it wouldn't apply. The DLC works with MP just fine, except for missing NCZs on the new prefabs so you must be careful.

  22. der neuste patch und das italien dlc werden momentan nicht von truckersmp unterstützt, entweder downgraden oder warten auf einen neuen patch.
  23. nice to see the winter season coming back.. but i would wish to have spring and autunm mods as well.. no only winter and vanilla summer.
  24. well looks like we wait for 1.29 and 1.30 now.. that could take a while till mp support if thats the case :-S


    or do we wait for 1.31 of both? *gets a tee and waits*

    1. DerAmpelmann


      To be exact, we are waiting for ATS 1.29 only. ETS2 1.30 isn't out of open beta yet. ;) 

    2. sgpch1983


      i have the feeling tmp will wait for ets2 befor bringing out a patch..

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