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Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by kocalparslan97

  1. Hello @InsaneCallum, I have just started developing custom paintjobs and I want to use these Paintjobs I have produced in TMP. I watched your video training. But do we have the ability to use it in the local modes that I have personally developed, or is the ALM program suitable only for the modes that you have developed? Can you give information about this? I wish you a good day.
  2. Merhabalar , bende dorse için custom yaptığım resmi eklemek istiyorum. Fakat dorseye resmi bozulmadan ekleyebilmek için resmin çözünürlüğü nasıl olmalıdır? Bu konuda bilgi verebilir misiniz?
  3. I think this proposal will be of great benefit to all participants in the VTC convoys.
  4. Hi , i complete event but i dont get reward on website. Can u help this state ?( i solved this problem)
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