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Everything posted by FirestarteR93

  1. (since the author was last on in February) I've updated the guide to fit the reworked external contracts
  2. ^ehmmmm Error while downloading it or error while installing it?
  3. ^also turn off the family sharing thing if its on (afaik it causes some troubles with the game check)
  4. ^also just in case: turn off Steam's family sharing while the check is in progress, because it often blocks it (oh btw Welcome to the forum)
  5. ^Not sure if this will work, because at the moment MP allows money/profile editing, so people will simply hack their profile to be e.g. lvl1000 and they'll bypass that requirement. Driven distance, level, playtime and so on are all irrelevant - only way to check if someone can really handle double trailers is to have some kind of test/exam about it...However we are very close to 1 000 000 users - who will test them and how long it will take to get them tested?
  6. ^IMHO it will be bad idea, because majority of people are just too careless, not to mention that there are lots of people who can't even reverse 1 trailer
  7. @the bored hermit cuz .....that's the topic for the current update?
  8. Wait a sec, You are trying to use the SP profile with mods in MP? If yes, I believe your game is searching for the deleted(or disabled by MP) mods to load your savegame, it fails to find them and crashes
  9. I suppose he saw it coming


  10. Hai, Ehmm there's topic about it (but im too lazy to search for it right now, so here are the cmds:) Y - opens chat Esc closes it /t or /time = server time /pm <ID> <text> = personal message to a player /r = reply to a personal message /s or /search <part of name, at least 4 characters> = search for players /pinfo <id> = player's info - current ID on the server, SteamID, TruckersMP ID and his full name /p or /players = amount of players online /h or /help = shows all available commands Few important things: DO NOT open steam overlay while the chat is on (because it tends to glitch and you'll have to restart the game) If you are using a keyboard to drive, you will loose control over the truck while typing (oh btw: Welcome to the forum)
  11. The reason was people who used DLC paintjobs on cars to crash other people,or put a car engine in their truck and so on
  12. ^It applies for all DLCs (they are visible only for people who own them too / about high power cargo, people who don't have that DLC will see the trailers as an empty trailer)
  13. They can't see it, because they don't have that DLC (in order not to crash people, MP replaces the DLC parts on your truck with truck's stock ones)
  14. mk, i've found your report, I believe @Seanster is the staff manager of that VTC
  15. ^https://worldoftrucks.com/en/image_detail.php?id=00000000001D078B&back=online_profile.php%3Fid%3D117953
  16. ^ Support team leader will contact you about further info
  17. ^Honestly idk if they'll wave, I'm just guessing on how they might get disabled, because e.g. having 50 trucks with 2 flags each = game must load and constantly sync 100 flags, while with physics off, the game will only have to load them without struggling to sync their movement However, it is confirmed that disabling them through Steam gives back the missing FPS @Firekat Happens all the time because the server keeps going on after you disconnect from it - the gametime doesn't stop moving, so when you reconnect, there is e.g. a week passed and your game advances its time to match the current one in the server, resulting in jobs expiring instantly and hired drivers earning millions for few secs. The bad news is, that the only solution to stop it happening is to stay online 24/7 which is obviously not possible. The good news: every activity that forces your game to try to change the current gametime( sleeping, fast-travel, rescuing, visiting dealer, changing trucks etc.) will bring you fresh jobs
  18. ^ehmm He meant INTENTIONAL blocking (also I believe you'll get teleported to service by admin or kicked if you don't rescue by yourself before anyone even considers banning you)
  19. ^Temporary solution: disable flags through Steam (aka just uncheck them), cuz making a way to disable their physics(so at least the game won't have to sync 2 of those on every second) will be probably a long nightmare
  20. Just for info: the Issue is being checked atm
  21. "one of those days"


    1. stilldre1976


      Lol at least your giving a fellow trucker some light ahead :D

    2. FirestarteR93


      tbh I was checking his pinfo cuz before that^ he nearly rammed me into the guard rails

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  22. well, If you looked on prev. page, you'd see that I even gave some reasons why the do it....
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