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[RSL] Julian [GER]

Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by [RSL] Julian [GER]

  1. Hello @Bagual55, This error is only come when your linked Steam ACC to Truckersmp and your currently used Steam ACC dont match. When your Forum Linked Truckersmp Profil is correctly ( https://truckersmp.com/user/2789339 )than your linked Steam Profil to your Truckersmp Profil are this ACC https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198860537559 . You must login in with this steam ACC to use your Truckersmp Profil. I hope i had help you. Kind regards, [RSL] Julian [GER] RSL Human Ressource
  2. Hello @CutybbutyAuys, As my knowledge, you can find the suspect when you look Up the log Data in your truckersmp folder. At now i can't profe it , If ITS Work an where IS the folder located. But Here is a topic where can Help you I Hope i Had Help you Kind regards, [RSL] Julian [GER] RSL Human Ressource
  3. I think the Most Player playing on Simulator 1 because there IS more traffic and the First think like that and other think also Like that and also Like me
  4. I dont agree you, because it can been difficult to include the ATS Trucks/Trailers to ETS and it make for me nothing sense to making this on truckersmp, if you want more difficulty to drive with bigger trucks, you can download a Modifikation to drive with Bigger trucks. And the secound one what i must writing, your suggestion isn't correctly and isn't following the rules, it must writing like this. Suggestion Name: Suggestion Description: Any example images: Why it should be added: Kind regards, Julian German RSL Human Resources
  5. Thank you for the follow :HaulieLove:, Sry i am little late for the thank you message.

    1. Dispo Z

      Dispo Z

      Your welcome 

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