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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Paratos

  1. I don't know the solution to stop it moving with your Mouse, but you can access the Settings already in the "screen" where you click login in the upper right corner if I remember right.
  2. You can try these 3 Things: Lower your Graphical Settings, if it is possible Have as few other Programs opened in the Background as possible Clean your PC If this doesn't help (enough), then the only solution is to upgrade your PC. I hope I could help
  3. Hello /help I need to know if I have understood this Rule correctly So if I have 4 bans -One in January 10th -One in March 10th -One in September 10th -One in December 10th (New Year starts) and I would get for whatever reason banned on the 11th January, this ban would be counting as the fourth then right? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but my English is semi-good and I want to make sure Thanks for all answers
  4. Happy Birthday Scar! :)


    1. Scar
    2. stilldre1976


      @scarface0359 Happy Birthday bro hope your having a great one!!!

  5. One Screenshot of the Convoy http://steamcommunity.com/id/Pigaschu/screenshot/267226724941197606
  6. They have servers for Europe for Usa etc. for Tas and Ets. That means the Servers are in Europe, but it's Ats
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