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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by XxSyndicateexX

  1. I honestly can't remember, it would most likely be in the UK.
  2. I have always stayed clear of CD Road as I just don't enjoy the mayhem. I would soon rather go somewhere less quite and relax.
  3. I mostly stick to Scania nowadays. Because I think they look nicer and less plasticky.
  4. Gunmetal Gray would be my first choice. But I do also like Red and White too.
  5. I used to play on Sim 2 a lot back in the day but now I mainly stick to ProMods.
  6. Happy Birthday! 

  7. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a good one!

  8. Fantastic Idea. I hope these facilities will give opportunities to the Event Team and VTCs to create more memories and fun. I look forward to seeing the fantastic progress.
  9. Happy Birthday Mate!

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