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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by SamN

  1. Kirkenes Road with @Pixel. and RLC 3 Year Anniversary soon ?



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pixel.


      You two are well mean! :kappa:?

    3. Velo


      @Coolio85Does he even know what an engine is? ?

  2. Hey, Firstly, if you have little experience with Python, I recommend you learn some of the basics first. This can be done many ways from YouTube videos to interactive platforms/websites and it's down to your personal preference. When making an API request, be careful not to "block" your bot. More information about the recommended way of making an API request in discord.py can be found in the documentation. As you've stated above, you'd like the bot to display TMP's server stats which can be found using the following gateway: https://api.truckersmp.com/v2/servers. The response is in JSON, which functions similarly to a Python dictionary. Now that we have the response, you'll notice the API contains a list named "response". Each list item is a server in which it's information are is a dictionary format. Therefore, to get all servers then, loop through the response list items (each server) and deal with the data you'd like. Useful pieces of information to look at for each server include: name, maxplayers and players though you can deal with whatever information you'd like. I hope this helped without just giving away the code (which I don't think would have helped). Sam
  3. Spending Valentines Day With @Pixel. ❤️?



  4. Driving with @Pixel. ❤️



    1. Velo


      Great Picture. Just need Pixi to get a nice truck :kappa:

    2. Coolio85


      @Pixel.Driving? Damn I'm shocked :kappa:

    3. Robin.


      Suprised to see Pixi's truck still intact ?

  5. RLC Convoy Today with @Pixel. ❤️




  6. Does the game actually crash (like close), or does it give you an issue such as "A game save change has been detected, moving to a safe place"?
  7. Thank you for your responses @-AV- & @AdaBey. I'm sure it is not my PC: I get a solid 60fps most of the time on the game. I don't have any flags however do have that DLC. I will check the settings though in game and see if that makes a difference.
  8. Firstly, I haven't really used this forum much so I apologise if this is the wrong place to post about this. I have used TruckersMP now since 2016 and usually driven on my own. When I say driven on my own, I mean with other players but not like, with them to the same destination. Anyway, I have recently started driving with other players and we take external loads because it is easy to get them to the same destination. We don't mind the 90km/h limit. However, when we drive at 90km/h, the limit, all other players can keep up with the front person, but slowly I start to drift behind. Like, it looks as if they are going like 91km/h or 92km/h to me when it just says 90km/h on the speedometer. I find this very strange as my internet is certainly not bad. My ping is usually always less than 50ms, and on average in the 30s. Furthermore, people say I don't lag at all which makes it very strange to me that my truck would be driving "slower". Anyone got any solutions or reasons as to why this would only be happening to me? Thanks in advance Happy Trucking, Sam.
  9. When I go into the freight market there is nothing there that I can deliver. It has been working fine until I have just loaded it up now. Please help. Thanks
  10. Deleted all the files that were related to it in the 'C:\Program Files (x86)'', uninstalled and then tried reinstalling. When i launched it i got the same error
  11. Yes, I'm sure of it. I'm not in any betas and i can play it fine in single player
  12. Done both of these and still says the same error
  13. Help, I don't understand how I can degrade to the version that it says. I have tried reinstalling the mod and look it up but just can't find it Thanks!
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