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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by xper18

  1. Hello guys! 1 of the requirements is have 50 posts but I know russian, ukranian and spanish the problem is I have 45 it's possible to enter to the support team? Waiting for response!
  2. I know... and it works in the client In-Game but don't work to log in to the forum see that........
  3. Hello, Are you using 32 bits operative system? When yes then you can't play MP because the client was upgraded to 64 Bits. Regards
  4. Just tried and no, it doesn't work... the password In-Game yes but the password to the forum no
  5. Hello, After the forum update, my forum account has been bugged, everytime when I would to join he says "The password is incorrect" to solve that I need to reset my password everytime when I would join to the forum and then it LogIn automaticaly. I have send ticket to support but that doesn't helped me, they answered something that has nothing to do with my problem. Waiting for response, Regards
  6. Hello, To find a player in the ETS2MP map first you need to go to this site http://ets2map.com/. Before in the left-top you can see a truck, click on him and should appear an menu in the left, click on Search put the name of the Driver and it would be appear in the map. Regards
  7. Hello, -The default key to turn OFF/ON your truck is "E" but when you have downloaded other profile, or saved game, this can be changed. -To solve this, go to the Options of the keyboard, search to the engine, and change it. Regards
  8. Hello, Are you sure you used CTRL+C and CTRL+V when yes try to change your keys in keyboard. This tutorial will help you: https://www.microsoft.com/hardware/en-ie/help/support/how-to/keyboard/reassign-keys Regards
  9. Hello, Verify the game cache, and please send me your "config.txt" via message. To verifi your game cache you need to go to the Steam Library -----> Euro Truck Simulator2 -----> Right click(Properties)------>Local Files-------> Verify game cache. Regards
  10. Hello, Try to delete all files, folders, temporary files you can use any program to search about errors with the files. Then install the game and the mod again. The config.txt file want to be in this destination C:\Users\%user%\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2. When the problem perhaps, don't dude to contact with the support team and open a ticket in this page: Create Ticket Regards
  11. Hello, Try to reinstall the game and delete all the files you have of the game, ETS2MP mod and all the other mods you have. Regards
  12. Estoy online en twitch. MIRAME! ---------------> http://www.twitch.tv/xper18

  13. Hello, It's cause to Neutral speed make sure what speed you have in that momento. Regards
  14. Hello, Make sure you have writted the correct email and password, when the problem persists don't dude to contact with the support team in this page: http://truckersmp.com/support/ Regards
  15. Hello, The mod have been upgraded to 64 bits version when you don't have the opertive system in 64 bits you can't play the mod. Regards.
  16. Hello, The ETS2MP was programmed to your guy never be tired, and the people who works to you same, the money of your workers you only can receive sleeping, traveling to the workshop or in the SinglePlayer. Regards
  17. Hello, GaJoyFF.dll it's caused of your controller or USB port. Check your PC, maybe the problem come later. Regards
  18. When the problem persists, contact with the support team of ETS2MP in that page: http://ets2mp.com/support/create a new ticket. Regards
  19. xper18


    Hello, To turn off the effects of the mod you need to do this: 1.- Launch the ETS2 Multiplayer 2.- Press TAB 3.- Go to the settings 4.- In general dismark Season effects. 5.- Apply and save Regards
  20. xper18

    Radio española

    Buenas noches, Tengo la misma idea, así que cuenta conmigo por lo que sea. Link de mi perfil de steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xper18/ También me puedes encontrar por el foro simplemente mandandome un mensaje privado, estoy todo el dia aquí! Suerte! xcr0ss
  21. Hello, To fix that problem you need to do this: 1.- Open your Steam window and go to the Library. 2.- Search for the Euro Truck Simulator 2 game and right click. 3.- Go to properties. 4.- In the top of the window you can see "BETAS" 5.- Select in the menu "temporary_1_21 - 1.21.x for incompatible mods" 6.- Save, download and ready! Regards
  22. Hello, Here is the page to see all allowed Mods to ETS2 Multiplayer. To install a mod you need to download one of them, extract the mod to the next directory "C:\Users\User\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod" To activate the mod you need to go to the Single Player, launch the game next go to the Mods Button, and active them. For the lights, Example: Go to the service, put the lights what you like and save the game. When you open MP you will see your truck with that lights. Regards, xcr0ss^
  23. xper18

    Login Error

    Buenas tardes, Compruebe de que realmente al escribir el email para iniciar sesión puede escribir el signo "@" puede que no se ha dado cuenta y el cliente no permite escribirla, si es ese el problema una de las soluciones es escribir vuestro email en un bloc de notas, seleccionar, y usar CTRL+C para copiar, despues volver al cliente y usar CTRL+V para pegar de esta forma tendra todo vuestro email completo y escrito correctamente. Espero haberle ayudado, xcr0ss^
  24. Buenas tardes, Si usted ha sido baneado por Bloqueo, es porque ha sido reportado y un administrador ha decidido banearle por una regla que incumple. Si cree que ha sido baneado con innocència puede apelar el baneo en la pagina www.ets2mp.com, se necesita iniciar session y ir al apartado Ban appeal. En caso de algun error tambien puede contactar con soporte. Atentamente, xcr0ss^
  25. Hello lulzakardo, Go to this page http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyriand scan the game, when it's all supported, try to install TuneUp Utilities, a lot of part of crashes is for colapsed Ram Memory. Tune UP Utilities can fix your problem. If you want, add me to friends and I can help you. Regards
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