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Quincy [NL]

Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by Quincy [NL]

  1. Hallo, ik overweeg om te solliciteren hier is het toegestaan als nederlander hier te rijden? ik spreek gewoon nederlands dus dat is geen probleem mvg
  2. morning everybody

  3. Scania 144l 460v8 (my profile picture)

    1. MashedPotaton8r


      Beautiful truck. Only wished they sold Scania V8s in my country

    2. Quincy [NL]
  4. SCANIA R730 Streamline Euro 6

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Iveronline


      Mercedes Actros MP4 510

    3. McFreshi


      guys. y u no drive scania only. y do u put a volvo engine in a scania? DO U EVEN xD

    4. Iveronline


      yeah do you even lift bro

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