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Quincy [NL]

Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Quincy [NL]

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Scania, trucks in common and computer-shizzle
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Amsterdam
  • Known languages
    Dutch, English, German, French

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  1. Succes met je VTC
  2. Hallo, ik overweeg om te solliciteren hier is het toegestaan als nederlander hier te rijden? ik spreek gewoon nederlands dus dat is geen probleem mvg
  3. Thanks for the update admins
  4. morning everybody

  5. Scania 144l 460v8 (my profile picture)

    1. MashedPotaton8r


      Beautiful truck. Only wished they sold Scania V8s in my country

    2. Quincy [NL]
  6. Suggestion Name: Tandem mod in ETS2MP Suggestion Description: Add the ´´13 trucks BDF tandem pack´´ from the SCS software site in multiplayer. It will make trucking a lot more fun and it´s not so monotonous. Any example images: http://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=126098<-- that's the one I mean Why should it be added?: It makes trucking much cooler and not so monotonous Cheers
  7. SCANIA R730 Streamline Euro 6

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Iveronline


      Mercedes Actros MP4 510

    3. McFreshi


      guys. y u no drive scania only. y do u put a volvo engine in a scania? DO U EVEN xD

    4. Iveronline


      yeah do you even lift bro

  8. Suggestion Name: Make all paintjob dlc's in the read only mode. Suggestion Description: For example: If you have high power cargo pack, you can see the freight and the paintjob at other trucks. But if you don't have it, you can't see the freight or the paintjob. So make it read only mode, what means that you can still see it but you cant take it. Any example images: no Why should it be added?: it will be helpful for all companies so you can see their paintjobs if they have that in dlcs
  9. Alright, seems cool for me When comes the Beta?
  10. Suggestion Name: Add a clan/company system to ETS2MP. Suggestion Description: ETS2MP is all about delivering freights with your friends across Europe. But it's hard to get the same job to the exact same location, so maybe it is an idea to create a clan system. With this clan system you can manage your own company, invite new members, promote and demote them, etc. etc. And if somebody takes a job in the company, some other guy can take a job to the same location. For example: Person A is in Koln and has got a job to Manchester. Person B clicks on a button and he also gets a job from Koln to Manchester. They can drive together and I think that's what ETS2MP is all about. Any example images: Nope. Why should it be added?: It allows to deliver freights with just 1 friend up to maybe 10 friends to the exact same location. I think that's what ETS2MP is all about: delivering freights with your friends.
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