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Veteran Driver
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Everything posted by DaveTheRave

  1. Great idea. Sometimes it is quite an easy thing to miss if you are driving. A beep would definitely benefit people. +1
  2. I agree with your idea here. It would add more realism as if there are two of you going into the same company then you can go in one after another. It would also look better as at the moment the trucks just drive through gates.
  3. It would be very loud near Calais because there is always a crash but it would add to the realism. Good idea
  4. Good idea. I think scs would have to do something about this but overall it's a great idea and it saves everyone cramming into one little space.
  5. This would be a good idea but an increase on the fine would be better. And maybe even give the player who got damaged the money so It can go towards fixing their vehicle maybe. Good idea
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