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Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by Klaex

  1. Name General picture topics Description Have one or more general picture topics, where everyone can post pictures. It can be a general one or themed ones like "Show off your current truck" or "Pictures of silly in-game moments". Why should it be added? In the "Show your work" subforum there are only individual galleries right now. It would be nice if people could show off their in-game moments even if they just want to post one picture without it getting removed. Before you open a gallery you don't know what type of pictures someone is making, whereas with themed topics you would immediately know the subject. I think that would invite more people to look at the pictures and then post their own. The suggestion is not meant as a replacement for galleries though, I think they both serve different ends.
  2. According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly.
  3. This map is so mesmerizing to look at, it's like you're watching a bunch of ants do their thing
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