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Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by UnknownAX

  1. Take of those rose tinted glasses and wake up to reality.

  2. Unfortunately there is a time sync difference, I'm not sure why but time on multiplayer is slower than single player. Which means your drivers don't earn as much, I'm not sure if this can or will be fixed. Regards, ~ UnknownAX.
  3. I have an iMac, in all honestly I would use bootcamp to install windows on another partition. So then you have Mac and Windows running. I hate using VMWare/Crossover as I always find it's clucky and causes more lag. i hope this helps you , if you need anymore help please don't hesitate to PM me. Regards, ~ UnknownAX.
  4. That's rather odd Jadenn. Does the main website login with the same details? P.S Message me your steam username, I'd like to have a convoy with you one day , and discuss a few things.
  5. Hi, When your game crashes do you get the message saying do you want to send a log to the developers? I believe Clark a moderator made a posted a thread something similar to this. I'd post a link but can't seem to find it again. Regards, ~ UnknownAX.
  6. In life you don't know until you've tried something. Don't count it out until you know for yourself.

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