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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. Hello, I got a huge problem with my company in ETS2 MP which pretty much makes any progress impossible. When I start the game and go to drive, all my drivers need a incredible long time to finish their jobs. After a few oberservations, I found that this is probably caused by a desynched server and ingame clock and arised after I accidentially started single player after a 10 days vacation. My attempts to fix it so far where: - write a ticket (never got a response, though ) - try to fix it by force economy reset - firing all my drivers and hiring new drivers, who didn't work because their trucks where "on the road" (destroying parts of my company by that) - selling all my trucks (and totally destroying my company) After that my new drivers at least started to work for like 2-5 missions. I never started single player again but the same issue came up again. I made a few screenshots and put them together to show the problem. Yellow circle is the time that is displayed before I decide to drive ( and thereby connect to the server), the time displayed when ingame is circled in blue while red indicates the time my driver needs to finish his job. Before logging in he needed less than 10 hours. I hope you can somehow help me, this bug is ruining my game experience. I found some kind of "part time solution". When I use the quick travel function before I connect to the multiplayer, I receive at least some money and my drivers work normally until I connect to the server.
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