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In game reports, what's the point?



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Hi there,


You're not the only one that raises such questions, so I'll try and answer in as much detail as possible.

We have an in-game report system, that is properly functioning and working fine. However, due to the volume of reports we receive through the system each day (thousands each day), we're simply unable to deal with a large majority of them. It's not working 100% effectively, and this is known. Most of them end up timing out as they cannot be dealt with in time. Game Moderators do work very hard to deal with in-game reports, but the volume is just too high at the moment and it's simply impossible to deal with them all. As such, we always recommend that users record their gameplay and report via the website reporting system, which guarantees your report being dealt with, regardless of how long it takes. We will hopefully see some improvements to the in-game system in the future which will enable it to work much more effectively, but we'll have to wait and see.


Once again, the in-game report system works fine, it's just down to the volume of reports the system receives that is causing a lot to go undealt with. The issues with it's effectiveness are fully realized, and hopefully some improvements will be made in the near future.


Thank you for your understanding,


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Aestrial | Former Game and Community Manager

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Mods get a lot of reports every day. They cannot answer all of them. I recommend you to report players on the truckersmp website. When you report someone on the website, a mod will always reply to that because there is no timer on that. It can be some hours later, a day or even 14 days later. Just wait untill they react. In game reports have a timer, around 5 minutes.


Kind regards

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