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Is there a way to get the steamid from nickname in ets2mp


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If you go into documents/ets2mp/logs/date that you played, and you find the player you are after through ALT+A then ALT+F then you will get the TruckersmpID. Go to Truckersmp.com and search the TMPID in the search bar and a user will come up, with the user there should be a little steam icon which will take you to their steam account. Copy the link to the steam account and paste it on this website: https://steamid.io/ 

That should get you a SteamID of a user. Next time ask this in the Help section :)

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I would recommend using https://www.truckertracker.xyz/index You can place the players TMP id in and it will give you their steam information alongside. I find a very useful site.

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