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2 choices


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ok. this is a game.
1.no foul words ,of course.
2.you have to answer the question asked by the last one who commented first.then you can ask a question

3.nope,that's all.
Me:beef for lunch?pork for lunch?
A: beef. daf truck?man truck?
B:man. ...
lets start!
beef for lunch?pork for lunch?

TruckersMP | OMSI 2 | Minecraft



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10 minutes ago, FernandoCR said:

^^ You should. It's the same thing as your "Would you rather?" topic ;)




live in a box with roaches

live in a van with madagascar hissing cockroaches all over it and inside it and over the handles for no way to escape

been here for 1 year+

creator of would you rather

owner of ats and ets2


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