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Left behind on the roads...

Daniel [ENG]

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Disable the speed limiter in the ETS settings


Here is a video guide:


There is also another box in the MP settings, follow the wrench icon then just go through the tabs and look for something like 'speed limiter' and un-check it.


You can get to the wrench icon by tabbing while in game and click on the wrench underneath the player list or by starting the game and once on the login screen clicking on the wrench icon at the top left.


Since you are new //


To note, World of Truck jobs are limited to 55mph / 90 km/h


To note, I recommend (personally) to only play jobs that are in the freight market and that are on World of Trucks (using your own gear, trucks) as quick jobs can cause issues.


If you need any more help, this community is is here to assist!



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If you can handle the speed that fine, if you cant then stick to the speed limiter :D i do 140km/h on D-C road and slows down in corners so i know what round that bends 

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^^ 140 Km/h on D-C road? Do you mean in SP? Because doing that in MP is betting that you'll be banned, eventually. Good luck!


Personally, I'm doing almost exclusively WoT jobs, but I've got no problems with being 90 Km/h limited, it's a truck simulator after all, not Need For Speed, and in Europe, trucks actually have speed limiters to a max of 90 Km/h, drivers can loose their licenses because of going faster. But... Simulator or not, it keeps being a game and there will always be people that see any driving games as racing games. I don't care about people driving 90 Km/h or 150 Km/h as long as they don't interfere with my game, and if they do... "record & report".

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