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Car powertrain in Truck rule Clarification


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Does anyone know if putting the Car Engine and transmission in the trucks is still against the rules or if that has been changed? because the past couple days playing MP on EU#2 i've heard Trucks with the car engine in them and wasn't sure if it was still against the rules or if it was now allowed



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@counterpxl the car engine has insane torque so assuming it could be controlled it would be a massive advantage when pulling heavy loads up hills and to everyone else who replied thanks I didn't think it had been changed but was not sure next time i play i'll make sure i have a recording program open to capture it



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List of allowed mods:

  • Modded trucks and trailers (hybrid trucks/trailers e.g. taking a scania's engine to a renault truck...)
    • Note: Adding a Skoda engine to a truck is not a permitted mod. This is considered excessive save editing as it leads to too much power for hauling a trailer and causes reckless driving.

If you see anyone using a skoda engine, please report them

Service & Data Analyst

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Surely you can't always tell if a truck has a Skoda engine in it or not, the TDI revs within the range of the 730/750bhp engines, and you can do an engine swap without swapping sound too. What happens if someone is driving a 310bhp Iveco with the TSI engine sounds and another guy is running around in a 750bhp Volvo chassis with the TDI swapped in but a truck transmission?


And are Skoda transmissions allowed to be swapped in? They kill towing ability but boost the top speed a decent amount, and are quite fun to drive around with.


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^ i can tell because it sounds way different to the normal Scania and Volvo engines which most the truck Engine sound like they have the engine fan running under acceleration where as the TDI doesn't and is a much higher pitched and faster revving sound compared to most the trucks. 



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But you can easily create a truck that only has the TDI engine but not the songs for it. Same as how my Renault has a Volvo 750bhp engine but the sound of a Renault engine still. The TDI just redlines ever so slightly higher than other engines by about 100-200rpm but it's not noticeable through sounds. Under no load the more powerful engines all rev as fat as each other and the TDI is no exception.


So unless you redline it everywhere, drive flat out with stupidly heavy loads and generally just make it obvious what engine you have through driving style, how can they tell?


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