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Police Car Allowed for certain People to patrol the roads.

Adrian McMaster Gaming

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Not sure if this is the write place to write this but I noticed since the update with the cars a lot of youngsters are going around like idiots smashing into the back of lorrys as I had one. Its only a game a dam good one to. I have tried the cars out and there ok so good work to the developers. What I would like to suggest is that some of us be allowed to use the police cars as a deterrent to slow down the idiots. I know it says Admins only can use but a person my age of 43 / 44 next not yet half a century old few. I can fully understand why admins only because young rogs would abuse the car. I would be happy to use the police car and pull over a few idiots a give warning that if it continues an admin will will ban them or even the developers could have a system where those of us who use the police cars at the age who are mature enough could impose a fine on their currency like -£5000 to make them think twice when they lose money from their deviverys. This could save admins a lot of time. I'm not sure what effect this would have on the servers or programing. I know a lot of work and effort goes into this multiplayer system and how it work is beyond me.  I might sound old but I am not computers when I was 20 was just Amstrad or Saga mega thing and internet never existed till 1994. 


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Problem is if you allow that, alot of those kids will probably just be police then. I was hit in EP by one of those kids :angry: I love the cars though :D delighted they are in mp :D I've seen plenty of good car drivers too, even passed a car out that was driving at a normal speed while I was going over 80mph in my truck (with a trailer) :lol:

The only way to use the police car is to become an admin and I think it works pretty well as it is, they do a great job. There will always be trolls.



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