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Add a taxi skin/job for cars

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Suggestion Name:  Add a taxi job and accompanying skin for cars, or perhaps only the possibility to add a taxi 'beacon' (or both).  

Suggestion Description: See above. 

Any example images: 

Why should it be added?:

Just some more variation, it does no harm.


You could incorporate taxi jobs at the bus stops, or perhaps hotel areas on the map! 🙂  You could have a kind of default taxi/hub pickup at each city, say, close to the bus station. It would be 'realistic' in a sense that people could take a taxi after having taken the bus somewhere. Buses don't go everywhere. It would also add some more variation on the road. It wouldn't necessarily require new vehicles.

I know this is a *trucking* game but sometimes you just want to change things up. I just like for all players to place nice together, whether it's in a truck, or sometimes in a bus, car, etc. 

As for the jobs themselves, you wouldn't need pedestrians actually entering the car (as in, emoted  pedestrians). Though it would be cool, I'm not sure if that's possible to make. You can do it just like this:

-> Go to taxi stand near bus station > See available missions > Accept mission > Person is now magically in car > drive to destination. 


Instead of having to incorporate this into the job dispatcher, you could make it so you set your own destination, and then check a taxi stand if there's anyone wanting to go to the destination you set. If not, you can change your destination. Available 'jobs' would change after some time (TBD). Or you could make it so there's always someone wanting to go to the destination you chose, as it's meant more for fun than much profit. 

Rewards would vary on distance, perhaps jobs with 1 or 2 passengers ? Just thinking out loud here .

EDIT: I am not sure if it is possible to accept bus jobs with a car, currently. I think it is, as I know you can accept them with a truck, I think
If this works (will test this at some point), perhaps the only addition that'd be 'needed' would be the skin and/or taxi 'beacon', just for variety's sake. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I also don't think the Taxi job would be really used in-game. This would cause more cars in the traffic and yeah, they bring more variety but we all know the stereotype opinion about them. 

Adding the Taxi paintjob or at least Taxi beacon, to put on the roof, would be a good, fun addition though.



kaaaali. | TruckersMP Profile

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The taxi job seems like a good idea but I don't think it's going to last long enough for TruckersMP to put in efforts for that. The reason for it being that, carrying passengers at first would seem something unique to do but after a point carrying passengers over and over again would become quite monotonous thus people might end up losing interest in it. 


However, the taxi skin idea can definitely be implemented and should be a good refresh for the cars in the form of a new skin.

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