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TMP fps drops, when too many truck are near. Please read abowe.



Hello, guys/girls! 

I have a problem, with my performance on TMP, i dont have a potato PC, and surely my fps highly drops to 10-15 from fix 60 (i set 60 fps limit)
When i have this low fps, my PC components are not used more than 20-30%, and surely the VRAM is on 40-45% when i have low FPS. 
I think, this isnt my PC problem. (i tried to set the lowest graphics, but i had the same issue)
My config:
Motherboard: GIGABYTE H510M K
CPU: Intel I5-10400f
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6600 8GB
RAM: 16 GB (TMP using max 6-9 GB of my ram, and i have enough to not lag)
Drives: HDD (1TB), SSD (256GB), M.2 SSD (512GB the game is on this)
Power Supply: 600W
Drivers: The latest drivers

Can you help me to solve this problem, please? 

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10 answers to this question

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Hai there, @Foxtrucker001

Thank you for choosing the forum ❤️


First of all, welcome to TruckersMP help section! : )


My name is RedWolf, and I will be answering your topic and try to help you with your current issue. 








According to what you have explained you encounter with FPS issue which is one from known issues. 




Firstly, I wanna ask if you did some graphics update, because it could be cause by that, if the driver is wrongly set as there can be a betaversion of some driver.




I recommend you to set up thus settings as written down there.


Settings in - game 


- Enable Vsync - is always better to having a Stable FPS Rate around 60 than often a Jumping between 180 till 45 or lower.


- Set Scale to 200% could be less 125% could be less


- Disable MLAA


- Disable DOF


- Set all following Quality Settings to hight, it do not have everything on max quallity - it depends on your components in your PC


- Disable Anisotropic Filtering by moving the Slider to the left Side.




TruckersMP Launcher 


- try unclick some of them as Cabin Accesories in another trucks, Flags, and draw distance reduce to min. 


- Development Logging  


- Smoothing Distance


- Load Cabin Accessoires


- Load Flags


- Aditional Lights


- Draw Distance 


Also please remember, that FPS will drop dramaticlly if you are close or passing a really busy area, once you have crossed the area you will be fine,




As the last step you can try to re-install your graphics drivers or re-install TMP Launcher 🙂 


Hope I could help you with my instructions! 




I'm waiting for your response


Kind Regards,


[MCG] RedWolf [CZ] 

TruckersMP Patron Master Trucker & Veteran Driver IV | MCG Expert Driver 



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Hello @Foxtrucker001 , how are you? Firstly, welcome to the TMP forum. Here you can ask your questions and share your experiences with us.

In response to your question, I'm sorry to tell you that this is normal. There's nothing to do when there are a lot of trucks near you, the FPS will always drop and there's no way to change that.


If you walk in a busy area, your FPS will be low, now, if you travel along highways with few movements, your FPS will be good, and you won't experience any loss of frames.

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Best regards
_Thyagoof - Media Team TruckersMPChief Operating Officer at ALLIANCE Virtual

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I had some FPS drops. What i did was open the TAB settings. Disable the following

  • Show Interior Accessories
  • Show Cables
  • Show Flags

There's probably a few more i'm missing. If all else fails, turn your quality settings down and keep experimenting until you get your ideal FPS. Populated areas render more then a ghost town.

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Hello, @[MCG] RedWolf [CZ] ~ and everyone. 

Thanks for writing some fixes, but i tried all, and i have the same problem. 

I think this is the game's issue. But in my head, i have a question. 
I saw some videos of Tony747 "on the road", and when he's in high traffic, he dont lag. But why? He had almost the same PC as mine.... And this is so straneg why he had slightly more FPS than me, on the same settings.

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1 hour ago, Foxtrucker001 said:

Hello, @[MCG] RedWolf [CZ] ~ and everyone. 

Thanks for writing some fixes, but i tried all, and i have the same problem. 

I think this is the game's issue. But in my head, i have a question. 
I saw some videos of Tony747 "on the road", and when he's in high traffic, he dont lag. But why? He had almost the same PC as mine.... And this is so straneg why he had slightly more FPS than me, on the same settings.


Do you only have lags in crowded areas? Try lowering the render distance in the tab menu. 🙂


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2 hours ago, Foxtrucker001 said:

Hello, @[MCG] RedWolf [CZ] ~ and everyone. 

Thanks for writing some fixes, but i tried all, and i have the same problem. 

I think this is the game's issue. But in my head, i have a question. 
I saw some videos of Tony747 "on the road", and when he's in high traffic, he dont lag. But why? He had almost the same PC as mine.... And this is so straneg why he had slightly more FPS than me, on the same settings.

Hello there, again @Foxtrucker001


I'm sorry to hear that all from my posted solution didnt help much. 


- You can also try to go in TAB menu - settings - Graphics - set it from Ultra to Hight, or Medium it also might help a lot. 



Here are some another solutions: 


- Did you try to use another profile created in ETS2

- You can try to re-install Euro Truck Simulator (in case you will do it, please uninstall it firstly from steam, then go to Documents - Euro Truck Simulator 2 - save your profile // then delete whole folder, and click on install in Steam. 



Hope, it will help you!! 



[MCG] RedWolf [CZ] 


TruckersMP Patron Master Trucker Veteran Driver IV | MCG Expert Driver 🚛



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Hello there!


Your topic has been inactive for more than 3 days since the last reply.

Because of inactivity, I will have to move this topic to Inactive Topics.


If you have any further queries, feel free to send a Forum DM to either me or other Support Member.


Have a great day!


Kind Regards,


TruckersMP Support.


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Due to this topic not wanting to be opened after 1 week of being Inactive, I will have to move it to Unsolved Topics.

If you are still having issues, feel free to contact us here: https://truckersmp.com/support


Kind regards,


TruckersMP Support


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TruckersMP | Game Moderator


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