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ProMods Problem

Guest AK2644...................


Guest AK2644...................

It works after activating the mode in singleplayer, but after entering MP, the promods side is not available in the game. Is there anyone who can help with this? 


I tried a few things but nothing changed.

8 answers to this question

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When accessing ProMods Europe servers, all ProMods Europe files must have exact file names, extensions and checksum. Can you make a screenshot of the mods folder? @22-1967S


If you want to ask anywhere on forums whenever 32-bit version of MP will be supported in future, try to start GTA V on your 32-bit machine before checking game's system requirements.

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Ello there, @22-1967S


First of all, welcome to TMP Help section

My name is RedWolf [CZ] and I'll be giving some of solution which im goin' to post 


  • In case you're encoutering with that issue, you have probably coppied some of folders wrongly or you some of files is missing. 

I would recommend to watch thus video, there are all steps you need to know how to set up ProMods for TruckersMP 


https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/614 - I also added a guide from TMP community created in Knowledge-base section


Hope your issue will be resolved as soon as possible. 


RedWolf [CZ]

TruckersMP Veteran Driver | MCG Veteran Driver 


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Guest AK2644...................

I think I'm getting old🤣.
After not playing ETS 2 for a long time, I even forgot that there was a special server for Promods.
Thank you for your help.


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