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Adding a "report score" to the in-game report system 


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Suggestion Name: Adding a "report score" to the in-game report system 


Why should it be added?: Currently and in the last years, the in-game report system was constantly filled with countless reports and Game Moderators could not keep up with that high number of reports created in a timely manner so the vast majority of reports were deleted. With the new Game Moderation Strategy (referring to this topic https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/113285-update-to-our-game-moderation-strategy/), GMMs aim to optimize the in-game experience by shifting the focus of Game Moderators more towards the in-game report system. Whereas I think that this is a good idea to start with, I believe that even if the focus is shifted to the in-game report system, there won't be enough GMs present to guarantee that the majority of reports get dealt with before they are automatically deleted. This is usually not a problem if someone makes a simple mistake. However, if you have someone who intentionally trolls other players or negatively impacts the game experience of others, many players will quit the game or at least blame Game Moderators for not taking action. 


Suggestion Description: This is why I suggest introducing a "reporting score" / "number of reports" to the in-game reporting system. The more times a player is reported, the higher the reporting score of that player will be and those with the highest number of reports will be shown at the top of the admin panel and dealt with first. This means that I would like to get rid of the "FIFO" system and make this the second priority, after the number of the report score. 


In my opinion, this is what GMs should focus on because no one cares about a player making a simple mistake in-game. Just drive on. But if you have someone intentionally violating the rules, it can be very frustrating for all involved, and immediate action should be taken. 


Any example images: No image but an example: Player A gets reported once because they mistakenly crashed into a player out of negligence. Player B gets reported by 100 players because they have intentionally crashed into people. Player B will be shown at the top of the report list even though the first incident happened later than the incident of Player A. Game Moderators are then expected to deal with the rule violations of Player B first to take immediate action as they impact the game experience of more players. 


What remains a question here is whether or not GMs will be able to take a look at all reports of one player separately or if it will be limited to the first report of one player that came in. Due to these being mostly intentional offenses, it will likely be possible to teleport to the player and get enough evidence for a ban. 


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I like this, but it could be the case that intentional rule breakers who don't get reported by more than a few people are going to have reports lost. (If you get what I mean, tbh I didn't really know how to explain it)

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3 minutes ago, Stones8000 said:

I like this, but it could be the case that intentional rule breakers who don't get reported by more than a few people are going to have reports lost. (If you get what I mean, tbh I didn't really know how to explain it)

My thoughts, too...

This will only mean that you will no longer be intentionally rammed in areas with heavy traffic (where potentially many can then report it), but only in areas where you are alone with the person who is ramming you - so where a maximum of one person can report the violation (and the report will not be processed anyway because it remains at the bottom of the list and timed out). Perfect invitation to stalk others in sparsely populated areas.

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Just now, Stones8000 said:

I like this, but it could be the case that intentional rule breakers who don't get reported by more than a few people are going to have reports lost. (If you get what I mean, tbh I didn't really know how to explain it)


This could indeed happen in very rare cases but usually, players who intentionally break the rules will do that multiple times and not only once. If this happens, the web report system can be used to bring it up. Currently, GMs have to deal with very light violations and check the whole video in-game while 10+ reports get automatically deleted at the same time. It would make more sense for those players to be dealt with who impact the game experience of more players and not simple mistakes or small violations. This takes too many resources and TruckersMP doesn't have enough to cover that.


It also has the advantage that it will lower the number of reports in total because GMs could ban someone with priority who otherwise would be reported countless of times via the web report system unless immediate action is taken. If you have someone who intentionally breaks the rules, the longer you wait, the more reports and as such the more work you will get. 

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Just now, Kiezkickerde said:

My thoughts, too...

This will only mean that you will no longer be intentionally rammed in areas with heavy traffic (where potentially many can then report it), but only in areas where you are alone with the person who is ramming you - so where a maximum of one person can report the violation (and the report will not be processed anyway because it remains at the bottom of the list and timed out). Perfect invitation to stalk others in sparsely populated areas.

Yeah definitely. The first thing I thought about was stream snapping, which would leave the sniper and the streamer, usually alone or with a couple of other viewers. Noone else to report. I can see that becoming an issue HOWEVER, the current issue of barely any reports getting looked at is probably bigger.

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In-game report system was never ever filled with countelss reports, it always holds limited number of reports, and thus a limited number of evidence (in the form of saved demo), and when it fills up, new in-game report submitted will push the oldest report out and it will expire.  If a player is reported in-game, until that report expires, no new report can be submitted against that player, this serving to maximize number of reports against as many players as possible.

The system has severely limited capacity because it holds the evidence.

Now, about your suggestion (meanwhile already suggested multiple times), what about those additional multiple reports against single player, those do not need to be supported by evidence? Or each "click" on the report button against aleady reported player will also record additional evidence? Imagine moderator wading through all that evidence just to ban one player for 5 days, since it's still just one violation, not mentioning that capacity would need to be greatly upgraded. If it would be just some number added to the first report, it can be abused.

Everyone knows in-game report system sucks balls, because anyone can report anyone for literally no reason, just one player can park in a busy place and report every single person that passes by and keep filling up the system without fear of anything happening to them. Combination of TruckersMP neutering web report system to the ground, and this non-functional in-game report system will not help anything, but will contrary increase frustration, toxicity and hostility among players, trolls can be even more carefree and more players will be taking matter into their own hands, knowing that the chance of being reported will be minimal.


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9 minutes ago, Granite said:

Now, about your suggestion (meanwhile already suggested multiple times), what about those additional multiple reports against single player, those do not need to be supported by evidence? Or each "click" on the report button against aleady reported player will also record additional evidence? Imagine moderator wading through all that evidence just to ban one player for 5 days, since it's still just one violation, not mentioning that capacity would need to be greatly upgraded. If it would be just some number added to the first report, it can be abused.



That's what I was referring to in the last part of my suggestion if you don't mind taking another read. However, if you get dozens of reports, it is likely that the player keeps violating rules, so you would not necessarily need to save all videos as you could just teleport to the person and would likely have enough evidence. But yes, in my opinion, it would be nice to see some higher capacity too. It's not true that this could be abused unless you are driving with a high number of people who all report the same person. 


11 minutes ago, Granite said:

In-game report system was never ever filled with countelss reports, it always holds limited number of reports, and thus a limited number of evidence (in the form of saved demo), and when it fills up, new in-game report submitted will push the oldest report out and it will expire.  If a player is reported in-game, until that report expires, no new report can be submitted against that player, this serving to maximize number of reports against as many players as possible.

The system has severely limited capacity because it holds the evidence.




I know how the system works, I've had in-game permissions for more than 4 years. That limited number of reports that you are talking about, however, is already "countless" because I've almost never seen that GMs could keep up with the incoming reports without dozens of reports being deleted. The reason for this is that there are so many useless reports for small mistakes and light violations that take too many resources. This problem would be solved with the system I suggest. It would prioritize those that harm the highest number of players and that only makes sense. If you are the only one being harmed by a player, you can drive on or create a web report if your in-game report gets deleted. It doesn't make sense that 20 people who report a player have to submit web reports because their report of said player gets deleted as GMs have to deal with useless reports at that same time. As I mentioned before, the longer you wait to take action against someone who intentionally breaks the rules, the higher your workload will be in the end. Therefore, GMMs aim to act proactively rather than responsively. 

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Ok, let me try again.

People had it in their mind, in-game reporting was someting like "call admin" button, and what you are suggesting makes it closer to that.

You are basically suggesting to make in-game roport system exclusive to C-D road and VTCs, if someone alone reports someone in the middle of wasteland, screw their puny ass, the chance that their report will be reviewd has just been divided by zero. They will have to sacrifice one of their slots for web reports and wait a week or two, that will teach them for not joining the horde and enjoing everything TruckersMP has to offer.

At least there is equality, however low the cances of reports being revievew, they are still equal no matter where it comes from, you want to make certain type of players privileged, while at the same time TMP is removing reporting rights from all players as collective punishment, regardless if you sumbmitted useless reports or not, becasue TMP was unable to deal with those people, by removing their reporting rights.

I have sumbmitted more than 1000 web reports over the span of more than 7 years, out of those 889 accepted and 161 declined, back in the day if you submitted report against already banned player your report was automatically marked as declined, but with positive score if it was valid, hence that number is severely skewed. My report limit was over 200, but  I never really needed more than 20, all that is now gone and I have no more desire to waste my time with web reports, because firstly, I feel like I am being a nuisance here, and secondly, punishments are a joke and make no difference. Now with this suggestion implemented, using in-game report system will be entirely pointlesss for me. 


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8 hours ago, Granite said:

You are basically suggesting to make in-game roport system exclusive to C-D road and VTCs, if someone alone reports someone in the middle of wasteland, screw their puny ass, the chance that their report will be reviewd has just been divided by zero. They will have to sacrifice one of their slots for web reports and wait a week or two, that will teach them for not joining the horde and enjoing everything TruckersMP has to offer.


Their chances of the in-game report being dealt with are close to zero with the system that is in place now. That is because there are too many useless reports. These useless reports are the key issue that prevents GMs from taking a look at relevant reports at the same time. You have to use the resources that are available to you wisely. That means that GMs should deal with relevant reports instead of useless ones. My suggestion is the only option available that would to a high degree of certainty guarantee that the reports dealt with first are relevant and not a waste of time. As said before, it only makes sense to stop intentional perpetrators as soon as they commit the rule violations instead of dealing with irrelevant reports and 20+ people have to report that intentional perpetrator via the web report system. 

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So, what you say is that if I report someone who flipped my truck on its roof via in-game report somewhere where there's just me and the person I am reporting, my report is useless?

But when 20 people report someone on C-D road, because they were "blocked" for 10 seconds by someone who they think to be driving too slowly, thus "blocking" them, that report should be dealt with priority?

First you need to punish people who submit useless and fake reports, just like they are punished submitting useless web reports. Secondly, moderators should be present at all times, or nothing changes and multiple web reports will be submitted anyway. As far as I know, in-game reporting is not anonymous, but there's absolutely no consequence of submitting useless reports, it's just a few clicks and done.

So, with your suggestion, I will have no choice, but to waste time with web report, because my in-game report will be guaranteed to time out, just because I am reporting alone, not matter if it's 100% valid reason.

I don't know how else I can explain to you that there are always pros and cons to any solution, I know that your intentions are valid and I would like to see something like that implemented, just not with the current system, it has to be completely changed form scratch for this to work without severe cons, that I was trying to explain.

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