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Suggestion Name: More shortened commands for the in-game chat

Suggestion Description: Add alternatives to typing out the entire commands, as some of them already have

Any example images: Not needed

Why should it be added?: A bunch of commands already have shortened versions you can type, but there's also a lot that don't. It will make it easier for everyone to type out the commands and make it quicker to use them as well. Examples: /channel -> /ch, /pinfo -> /pi, /time -> /t

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Merhaba, @Anka kuşu


I understand your suggestion, but I know that there are already many such abbreviated commands, I will write examples in the following section

/fix - Used to repair your truck with a trailer attached.
/c(lear) - Used to clear the game chat
/disconnect - Used to disconnect from the server
/blockpm - Allows/blocks receiving private messages from other players.
/cest-time - Shows the current time of the server (according to CEST time zone)
/pm [id] [message] - Sends a private message to the user matching the entered ID at the entered time.
/r(eply) - Replies to the person who sent the last message.
/p(layers) - Shows how many players are on the server.
/pinfo [id] - Displays all information about the player with the id you specified. This is the most useful command when reporting a player.
/channel [id] - Allows you to switch between CB Radio channels (0 = Disabled).
`/time - Displays the current time of the server (according to UTC time zone).
/s(earch) [name] - Shows the players with the username you are looking for.
`/server - Displays information about the server.
/s(earch)t(ag) [name] - Shows players who use the word you specified in their tag.
/h(elp) - Displays all commands available to you.
/t(oggle-)g(roup) - Allows you to hide your group name and color (Bosses Only)
/tfm-dj - Shows the current DJ/presenter on TruckersFM.
/tfm-request [message] - Allows you to send a song request to TruckersFM.
/tfm-shoutout [message] - Allows you to send a name readout request to TruckersFM.
/tfm-traffic [message] - Allows you to send a traffic report message to TruckersFM.
/tfm-currentsong - Shows the song currently playing on TruckersFM.
/tfm-lastsong - Shows the last song played on TruckersFM.

I wish you good forums,


Kind regards,

Mr Teddy



Truckers MP - Community Moderator



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12 minutes ago, P h o e n i x said:

Suggestion Name: More shortened commands for the in-game chat

Suggestion Description: Add alternatives to typing out the entire commands, as some of them already have

Any example images: Not needed

Why should it be added?: A bunch of commands already have shortened versions you can type, but there's also a lot that don't. It will make it easier for everyone to type out the commands and make it quicker to use them as well. Examples: /channel -> /ch, /pinfo -> /pi, /time -> /t

Hey, to change channels from the CB, you can also enter /channel or /cb [id]

Maxi. | TruckersMP Community Moderator
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16 hours ago, P h o e n i x said:

Suggestion Name: More shortened commands for the in-game chat

Suggestion Description: Add alternatives to typing out the entire commands, as some of them already have

Any example images: Not needed

Why should it be added?: A bunch of commands already have shortened versions you can type, but there's also a lot that don't. It will make it easier for everyone to type out the commands and make it quicker to use them as well. Examples: /channel -> /ch, /pinfo -> /pi, /time -> /t


I agree with the suggestion to add more shortened commands for the in-game chat in TruckersMP. Having alternatives to typing out the entire commands, as some already have, would make it easier and quicker for everyone to use them. For instance, converting commands like /channel to /ch, /pinfo to /pi, and /time to /t would streamline the communication process and enhance the overall user experience. Implementing this improvement would undoubtedly be beneficial for the TruckersMP community, and I support it wholeheartedly.


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On 8/3/2023 at 6:15 PM, TimeTimes said:

they're making a suggestion to shorten commands, not asking how to change the cb channel.

they're suggesting a short version of /channel when there is one already - /cb


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