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"API returned invalid content" error when trying to login to ATSMP



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Hi @King1Chance,

It looks like there are some system issues right now. If not try to take a look here: 





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Hello there ?


When you get the API error, then, before doing anything like reinstalling the game or TruckersMP, please check the following website: https://stats.truckersmp.com/live


After you've opened the above link, look in the upper right hand corner.
If you see this: https://gyazo.com/05887d845eb580cfcd3db60a2e398810


Try running TruckersMP and see if you can get all the way in and join a server. If you can't, head back to the above website, and hit F5.


If you then see the following after refreshing the webpage: https://gyazo.com/17d39aefe1a0ef63e0d75a720a87a1e1
I can guarantee you, that the developers are working on fixing the issue ?


But, if you still see this: https://gyazo.com/05887d845eb580cfcd3db60a2e398810
After refreshing the webpage a couple times over the course of like 5 minutes, please let us know, and we'll try to assist you, either here in the topic or ask you to create a support ticket ? 

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