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Suggestion Name: 

Minor C-D road intersection changes


Suggestion Description:

Anyone who drives on the C-D road knows about the intersection with the motorway crossing above. The problem is, 50% of users on the C-D road do not follow the yield signs that are already in place and it means there can sometimes be accidents or blocking happening due to these reasons.

My suggestion is to add some speed bumps (Anyone who has been to Duisburg sees that 75% of players will slow down for the speed bumps that were added outside the Duisburg fuel station.) and possibly a warning sign for the sharp corner in order to help both new and frequent players to slow down, and to reduce the number of accidents.


Any example images: 




Why should it be added?:

To make the player's overall experience better if they choose to drive on the C-D road, and to reduce the number of accidents at/near this intersection.

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