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Found 3 results

  1. This is a guide I made in the hopes of helping those who want to better their driving skills if they are new, or just give a refresher to those who are already experienced. My first piece of advice: treat the track looking holes in the road, like guiders for your drive My Second piece of advice: ALWAYS, be sure to watch your mirrors for more than oncoming trucks, use them when making turns, when you are driving on a freeway, or just for general safety. Try and make it a habit to check your mirrors when you turn your blinker on. My Third piece of advice: If you cannot see the white lines on the roads in your mirrors, you are to far into the other lane, be sure to get back into your lane, making sure someone is not trying to overtake you. If you see someone overtaking you, stay where you are, if there are two players in each lane, then be sure to let them go around you. You can do this by making sure you keep your eyes on the road, and your wheel straight. After they have overtaken you, try and merge back into your lane. My fourth piece of advice: This is exclusive advice for those who do not have certain DLCS (Krone DLC, all tuning packs, etc.) If you are behind someone with the Krone trailer DLC, you will be able to tell, by the letters saying "BUY DLC KRONE" You will have difficulty trying to see their taillights, as they are not outlined. On truck DLCS, you will have to be extra careful, they have no break lights, at all. Both of them you be sure to keep extra distance. My fifth piece of advice: Be sure to obey admins NO MATTER WHAT remember that they can and WILL ban you if you break the rules. Admin names can include: anything with senior/manager or if they have a red name in the chat. This should go without saying, but I have seen too many times now where people get banned when it was a simple warning where they did not obey. Okay, I hope this advice help you on the road, drive safely ?
  2. Hey guys, brand new driver here. I just downloaded ATS around a week ago and only have about 30 hrs (probably only around ~18-20 of actual driving) in the game. I really want to try to play multiplayer, but as I have only ever played on 1.40, I am pretty clueless on how downgrading your game will work on this game in particular, as downgrading game versions on other modded games I have played can REALLY cause some serious, and sometimes even permanent damage. So I was just wondering how, if it all, it will affect my singleplayer progression and mods installed. I will list the few mods I have installed down below, just in case it can provide useful information in to how downgrading will affect my setup in particular. Listed in order of priority: Real Companies, Shops, & Billboards (1.40), Viper2's Peterbilt Modified v2.3 (1.39/beta 1.40), Scania Trucks for ATS, Air Brake Sound Mod (1.40), Cummins N14 Sound/Engine Pack (1.39, works in 1.40), and FMod's Cummins N14 Lope Tune Pack (1.39, works in 1.40), and Unlimited Money + XP Mod for ATS (inactive currently, but works in 1.40) Sorry for the info dump, but I am pretty excited to play MP, however to me it is not worth corrupting all of my files and mods and having to start all over when I could just be patient and wait for the TruckersMP team to release the 1.40 update. Thank you for any and all help you can give, this seems like an amazing community, and I am excited to be a part of it. :)
  3. Hi all! So I'm interested in learning some C++ as well as some other programming languages. Not really for anything specific other than the fact I think it would just be helpful to know these things. It also would open up for some opportunities in the future etc. I know about sites such as w3schools, this is where I learnt HTML and CSS to a certain degree. However, I'd like to have some other options in case I want to learn something more specific etc. Would also appreciate any tips on good places to get started and ways to apply what I learnt, maybe something like a starting project? Any advice or links etc to help get started with C++ would be great. Thanks! Owen.
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