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Suggestion Name: Oklahoma + cities on the Traffic page. Suggestion Description: Add Oklahoma + cities to the Traffic page, please Any example images: - Why should it be added?: All other state DLC's are there, up and including Texas released a few months before Oklahoma. The ETS2 West Balkan countries are already there (for the corresponding ETS2 non-ProMods servers), but not the slightly older ATS DLC. EDIT: Reformatted suggestion to using the template.
SORTING OF TRAFFIC Suggestion Description: Calais is the city with the highest number of players. The city is known for long traffic queues and where many players get their first ban. When you are on your way to Calais, you always drive past this exit (IMAGE A1 RED CIRCLE) A1 There is always a long queue of many players going down to the city. The road marked in red also has long queues due players getting out of (mechanic, garage, etc) After the bus update, the players have been divided into two groups. Trucks and buses. The problem with this is that everyone is going down the same exit + everyone is going through the same street. My suggestion intends to create less queues in calais How are we going to do this? If you take a look at picture (IMAGE A2), you can see how I think. The blue line shows where most people drive today The green line shows where almost no one is driving If we close the possibility for buses to drive down this exit The blue line, But let them drive down the next exit at the harbor The green line. Will we eliminate the possibility of creating a queue a little her The blue line. This system can be compared to a sorting station, this will make it easier to get into Calais, And it will be easier for bus traffic to arrive at their Bus station. A2 Any example images/video: BUS TRAFFIC TO CALAIS SHOWS "BUS TRAFFIC PROHIBITED" SIGN Why should it be added?: To create safer and less traffic Calais. Not least make it easier for buses to drive into the Calais. From Kzumastormz
Suggestion Name: Making the gas station double-sided Suggestion Description: There is a lot of traffic on the one-way road in Calais Duisburg between 19.30 and after. The gas station on one side of the road also triggers the traffic. Gas station should be double-sided Any example images: Why it should be added: To reduce traffic and chaos that's why it should be done.
TruckersMP Traffic TruckersMP Traffic is a simple tool that tells you how busy a location is in TruckersMP. Note: If you want access to the traffic API just send me a PM. I've added a game status image that you can use in your signatures or wherever you want. Just replace <id> with your TruckersMP ID in the following link:<id>/status.png For example, my TruckersMP ID is 6818 so my link would be Note: Data is collected from ETS2Map so if the map is down it will say you are offline.
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Suggestion name: Belgium-France border fuel station rework Suggestion description: i believe the fuel station should be reworked Any example images: (click the link as it will take you to the screenshot) Why it should be added: each time i drive in the Calais-Duisburg road and I go through the Belgium France border there is a what seems to be a traffic jam. when someone needs to continue driving they would have to wait like 3 minutes before merging after the traffic has passed.
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- france-belgium border
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Suggestion Name: One Way Duisburg (Roundabout). Suggestion Description: The idea is that Duisburg, which has a one-way square roundabout shape, attaches photos to understand, also including why the secondary traffic light should be removed. Any example image: In the link you can see what my idea is, it is easy to understand. Why should it be added?: This should be added because in the rush hour when the server is full and even with 1,000 people missing, Duisburg is already collapsed, there is no denying, this project will help traffic flow much better and hardly collapse. The traffic light below the secondary does not help at all, that is, Delay and constant retentions, and not everyone respects it, it also proposes a model of how it should be. In the traffic light photo, he sees a model that would help, considering that where the stop is, almost no one comes, 90% make the move to enter Duisburg and exit through the Gasolinera secondary. I think and I think it is a good idea and would help a lot, thanks!
So it appears that not all players know,or just don't care about how they should drive in heavy traffic. Well I'll tell you how you should be driving. Drive-Defensively - Defensive driving covers a wide range of skills you should employ to prevent dangerous situations on the road before these occur. You should plan for ways you can react in a situation, like if another vehicle were to try and merge into you. In addition to this, you should also: Keep your eyes scanning traffic Identify vehicles that appear unsafe, such as those that are erratically merging across lanes, speeding dangerously, or drifting within a lane. Follow the flow of traffic. Signal before making a turn or merging into a lane. Allow plenty of space between you and other vehicles. You should gauge how many seconds of distance is between you and the next car ahead. Do this by picking a feature, like a road sign, and counting slowly up from “one” as the car in front passes the sign. When your car is even with the sign stop counting. The number you have stopped counting on represents how many seconds of distance is between you and the car in front of you. Adjust your speed accordingly. More time between you and the car in front will mean more reaction time in the event of sudden braking. Impatient drivers can make poor decisions that might require you to take action to prevent an accident. In some cases, you may have to merge out of your lane and onto a shoulder. Keep your eyes scanning traffic, the shoulder of the road, and potential places you might direct your truck/car in the event that you have to make emergency maneuvers. Impatient drivers in stop-and-go traffic will often accelerate faster than necessary to traverse the distance between them and the stopped truck/car in front of them. This is highly inefficient, as the unnecessary higher speeds will cost you more in fuel and not get you to your destination any sooner. Accelerate at a steady speed that is slightly below the flow of traffic. This way you can coast forward without having to come to a stop. This slow-but-steady method will also create a solid buffer between you and the truck/car in front of you. You should, however, be ready to downshift if impatient drivers merge into this buffer space. Road rage is a real and naturally occurring phenomenon that can lead to some people racing through traffic and overtaking in places where on coming traffic in coming toward them, and this causes more tailbacks. As one driver is slamming on their breaks, it will cause a ripple effect that eventually leads back in the line where the last truck/car in the cue is fully stopped, effectively causing a full on traffic jam. Just try to stay calm, wait patiently, and you will get to your destination. No amount of lateness on a delivery is worth being banned for long periods of time and will effectively ruining your reputation with the trucking community, especially if you are driving for a VTC! So, to put it simple... Keep your distance Expect inpatient drivers pushing past you Take your time Don't slam on your brakes too hard And most of all.. Stay Calm! Happy Trucking!
Suggestion Description : Calais is the city with the most players present and with the famous Calais-Duisburg road, this does not help, all these factors make that there are a lot of accidents (compared to other cities), traffic jams etc. .... That's why, to avoid as much as possible the ban and the long waiting of the players (and the heavy work of moderators) , I suggest to redo the entrance and the exit of the city. What would I suggest? : I have created a plan that I thought would solve the problem. The plan remains rough, but it is understandable enough to share it ! The Map Legend : = Intersection with traffic light = Road for trucks only (with Smart Sign) = Prohibition Listing all, I propose to add: - Another garage entrance - Move the dealer - Two roundabouts (one at the place of the intersection to enter the city and the other at the place of LKW) - Move LKW - A road only for trucks (to sort out a bit from there) - A small road that is directly connected to the death road (Calais-Duisburg) - Another road that is connected from the intersection at the bottom of the garage to the other road passing by the highway (so that the players can get out if needed) (I also added a gas station as there is none directly in the city but it's still a plus). On the port side, I didn't touch anything. I hope I haven't forgotten anything Why should it be added? : It should be added to fluidify the traffic and to limit the traffic jams and accidents by putting several entry and exit in the city. Written by KarThon10 and this translator (because I don't have the right level of English, I apologize for the language mistakes due to the translator)
Traffic lights seem to be going in between red, yellow, and green like crazy they switch colors and seem to not stay on one color. ive ran single player they seem to work fine but I logged onto truckersmp today since the 1.41 support and it seems like the traffic lights on mp are just switching colors and not staying on the correct lights. I don’t know if I should go or stop at the next one I am at right now. please help idk if this is me or the mod.
[ANSWERED] why do people park in the medians on the server in game
Guest posted a question in Answered Questions
noticing alot more new players parking there trucks in the medians on ats maps in the us simualtor servers ,is there any way that they can curb that issuse? -
Is the traffic project in the game still in development?
Suggestion Name: add some traffic Suggestion Description: add more life on the routes Any example images: Why should it be added?: to make ets2 and ats more realistics and attractive to new players. I am new to ets2 and truckesrmp and I felt quite lonely during my time on the server. At most I came across 6 players on a supposedly crowded server.
Suggestion Name: Traffic News InGame Suggestion Description: I want to suggest a Ingame "TrafficAlert", where you will get somewhere like the F5 Menu a alert that a jam or a accident is 3km away. For players who don't want this they can disable it in the menu. Any example images: - Why should it be added?: For realistic players, it makes sense in my opinion, that they will get a Message and so they can take a other road.
Hi everyone! I have see that 300 players is in Kirkenes and on the roads south of it, the small one. And I think you need to do something about it. Like the whole server is there (promods 1). The traffic is so bad there so please do something about it.
Suggestion Name: Duisburg traffic flow improved Suggestion: The Duisburg road should be a one-way as showed in the image, this should help traffic flow and not let anyone get in in case their in carrier mode yet this also keeps the large amount of traffic in the game. I think this is a major improvement and should be implemented into Europe 2. Note: Please check the image before commenting. I might have miss-wrote so do check the image to get a better understanding. Any example images: <img src=""> Why should it be added?: I love traffic in TruckersMP but I am always scared of being rear ended, slammed into, brake checked, or hit when ever I am in my Carrier profile. But I figured out a way to improve the traffic flow in Duisburg and it keeps the large amount of traffic but without people intersecting with each other and without having to mod/change the base game! Q&A Q: What if I have traffic offences on? A: People who have traffic offences on should stay on the correct side of the road or they can turn traffic offences of in the game play settings Q: If I was about to turn into a drop off point but missed it what should I do? A: You will have to go around again, you wont have to exit and re-enter Duisburg. Q: How will I know witch way to go? A: In Duisburg there's a average of 50-100 vehicles, if every vehicle were going one way you can check witch way the traffic is flowing. Or a admin who is monitoring Duisburg can get a Scout vehicle and park in direction the one-way faces. Q: If there is a accident and one lane is blocked what should I do? A: You don't need to overtake. Just go into the other lane since it's a one-way!
Güvenli ve kazasız sürüş için önemli bilgiler çünkü çoğu kaza bu durumdan meydana geliyor. SOLLAMA KURALLARI; Sollama yapılırken öndeki araca ışıklı ve sesli uyarılar yapılır. Sollamanın en önemli kuralı "Sollama yapan kişiye yol vermek zorunludur." aman nasılsa sollama yapıyorum bana yol vermek zorundalar diye düşünmeyin çünkü sollamanın sakıncalı olduğu yerler vardır ki bunlar; Virajlar,Demir yolu geçitleri,Geçmenin trafik işaretiyle yasaklandığı yerlerde (bunu yoldaki çizgiye bakarak anlayabilirsiniz veya tabelalarda) ve hızı azaltılan yerlerde araç sollamak yasaktır yani benzinlik mola istasyonu gişe gibi yerlerde sollama yapmak sakıncalıdır. ASLINDA AŞAĞIDAKİ METNİN SADECE ÖZETİNİ GEÇTİM ÖNDEKİ ARACI GEÇME ( SOLLAMA ) KURALLARI : Sürücülerin önlerinde giden bir aracı güvenli bir şekilde geçmeleri için,geçişe başlamadan önce; a- Arkadan gelen sürücünün kendisini geçmeye başlamamış olmasına b- Önde giden sürücünün bir başka aracı geçme niyetini belirten işaretini vermemiş olmasına, c- İki yönlü yollarda karşıdan gelen trafik dahil,yolu kullananların tümü için tehlike yaratmadan geçiş yapacağı şeridin yeterikadar ilerisinin görüşe açık ve boş olmasına, d- Geçişin,geçilen araçlar için bir güçlük yaratmayacak şekilde ve araçların geçişine uygun durumda bulunmasına dikkatetmeleri zorunludur. GEÇİŞ YAPACAK ARAÇ SÜRÜCÜLERİ: * Geçilecek araç sürücüsünü ses veya ışıkla uyarmaya, * Sola dönüş lambasıyla işaret vermeye, * Takip mesafesi kadar önceden sol şeride girmeye, * Geçeceği aracın hızıyla geçme sırasındaki kendi hızını dikkate almasına, * Geceleri öneki aracı geçerken,yan yana gelinceye kadar yakını gösteren ışıkların yakılmasına, * Geçtiği aracı geriyi görme aynasından görünceye kadar sol şeritte ilerlemeyi, * Sağa dönüş lambası ile işaret vererek sağ şeride geçmeye mecburdurlar. GEÇME,GEÇİLECEK ARACIN SOLUNDAN YAPILIR. Araçların sağından veya banketten yararlanılarak geçmesi yasaktır. Ancak; 1- Sola dönüş işareti vererek yavaşlamakta olan araçların, 2- Görev gereği yolun solunda beklemekte olan geçiş üstünlüğüne sahip araçların, 3- Sol şeritte bozulan aracın, 4- Yolun ortasından giden tranvayların,sağındaki şeritten geçiş yapılabilir. Gidişe ayrılmış yol bölümlerinde şerit değiştirmemek şartı ile bir şeritteki taşıtların diğer şeritteki taşıtlardan hızlı gitmesi geçme sayılmaz. ÖNDEKİ ARACI GEÇMENİN YASAK OLDUĞU YERLER 1- Geçmenin trafik işaretiyle yasaklandığı yerlerde, 2- Görüş yetmezliği olan tepe üstlerinde, 3- Dönemeçlere yaklaşırken ve dönemeçli yollarda ilerleyen, 4- Kavşaklara yaklaşırken ve kavşaklarda 5- Yaya ve okul geçitlerine yaklaşırken 6- Demiryolu geçitlerine yaklaşırken ve demiryolu geçitlerinde 7- İki yönlü trafiğin kullanıldığı köprüler ve tünellerde öndeki aracı geçmek yasaktır. ***** HIZ AZALTILAN YERLERDE ÖNDEKİ ARACI GEÇMEK YASAKTIR *****
Suggestion Name: AI Traffic Server Suggestion Description: Create one server that has AI traffic on it. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added? Traffic is a key feature in the game. It is what makes the road challenging and dangerous, and player traffic is just not enough. Without AI traffic, some roads tend to get lonely and monotonous. I read lots of posts regarding this suggestion, so I kind of "understand" why this isn't a feature. But there are ways to solve the few issues that this implementation may bring. For example, reducing the AI spawn in high density cities, along some others. I patiently wait for a reply, and truck on!
Suggestion Name: Traffic light rule Suggestion Description: Because this is based on a simulation game, I demand that a rule be issued to respective traffic lights, in any area. I have seen that they have certain controls on the game, such as limiting the speed, if possible, I would like the infractions of the game to be enabled obligatority. This is a simulator, those who want to collide have the FlatOut game and those who want to run have the TOCA 3 game. I hope that my proposal is considered, since I am a bit saturated making reports of bad players. Sorry for my anger... Why should it be added?: To avoid crashes, order traffic and take money when it does not respect the traffic light. Any example images:
Hello everyone, I would like to know a few things, for the radio for Traffic. is there a French radio for the Traffic Jam in ETS ? Thanks you advance for the answers. Cordially.
Hello I'm Ultra. I played alot of TruckersMP in the last 2 years or so. It is a very fun game if you don't look at the griefers ;D. I'd like to give the TruckersMP Team a suggetion, which is AI Traffic in TruckersMP. I can see that this propably would be a problem, because the server needs to spawn Traffic not only around you but also on 4000 other Players at times. It would be also nice, if the Traffic is the same for everyone, so you can't see your friend drive through an AI bus in your screen, because on his screen there is noone. But maybe you guys give it a go and you manage to master this problem . The Pros I thought of are: +The world feels a lot more alive and diverse, which adds to the replayability aspect of your mod. +Because the Server has some griefers online, it could force them to obey more traffic rules to not constantly crash with an AI car. +The Trucks would also obey the Traffic Rules more. For example: People in cities often rush to their destination ignoring lights and speed limits. If you add AI traffic, then suddenly these Trucks have to obey the rules to not crash and earn their money. The Cons i think of: -A big chunk of coding maybe? -System and server Resources need to be tested on that, -There would be more Traffic jams in popular cities. (But also: Hey thats life, traffic jams happen) If you could add this at some point of the developement, it would be awesome ^^
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Hi there, what's other populated areas except Calais-Duisburg?
07.01.2015 koło Berlina powstał mega zator , w którym sporo osób zostało poszkodowanych. Ciężarówki 'latały' bo zbugowały się naczepy. Jak ktoś chce się odwołać to tu jest filmik ENJOY! Korek trwał ponad 2 godziny bo akurat nie było admina
Hey support, i noticed (and I'm not the only one) that the trafficlights are red and they stay red. I waited 4 Minutes and it didn't turned green... This might need to be fixed. cheers
Suggestion Name: Interactive traffic map Suggestion Description: The interactive map should be available in browser but not in the ingame client. The interactive map can be zoomed in and out and have 2 different looks. 1st look will be green, yellow and, red color on roads indicating on the map if there is heavy traffic:red, medium traffic:yellow, no traffic:green. 2nd look will be the look of small triangles indicating where each and every driver is at. Any example images: no Why should it be added?: To keep track of where your convoy is at on the traffic map on (2nd look). And check for heavy traffic anywhere in the world (1st look). For example Amsterdam has lots of traffic on intersections to go to Rotterdam but maybe one intersection doesn't have as much traffic at all and you can take a detour to that intersection using the traffic map finding where less traffic is at and get there easier and faster. Many people could use this to avoid lots of traffic if they lag a lot and take detours. Another example is me and my friend use the cctv to watch for traffic due to my friends game crashes when too many people show up on his game and we've been using the cctv to avoid the traffic but cctv only covers Rotterdam Amsterdam and would be nice to have the interactive traffic map to show where all the traffic is at in city's and anywhere.
Hey guys! I have been playing with a buddy of mine, and our trafficlights are no longer synced! Anyone else noticing this? Also, they appear to be faster, as in the original game. Nonetheless, the update is great, but this has caused several accidents, and people are blaming eachother! Greetings!