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Found 19 results

  1. Hello truckers and carrers! () It seems that a lot of you want to use the Scout car mod in singleplayer. Either just for fun, or to solve issues; like your car turning into an old Scania when you load your multiplayer profile in singleplayer. I have a simple solution that doesn't require you to download anything. This solution allows the game to use the files of the mod that came with the TMP client. It works by creating a symbolic link in windows, which will allow the game to find the files from multiplayer and use them in singleplayer. It works for both ETS2 and ATS. This will also make sure you always use the latest version released with the TMP client, until the devs change the file names or add additional files. There are two requirements: You need to have administrator rights on your computer and you need to have file extensions enabled. To enable file extensions, check this guide: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/show-file-extensions-in-windows Start by creating a new text (.txt) file. It doesn't matter where it's located or how you name it. Open the file and paste the following text: mklink %USERPROFILE%\Documents\"Euro Truck Simulator 2"\mod\sh_skoda_car.scs %PROGRAMDATA%\TruckersMP\data\shared\mods\sh_skoda_car.mp mklink %USERPROFILE%\Documents\"American Truck Simulator"\mod\sh_skoda_car.scs %PROGRAMDATA%\TruckersMP\data\shared\mods\sh_skoda_car.mp mklink %USERPROFILE%\Documents\"Euro Truck Simulator 2"\mod\skoda_car.scs %PROGRAMDATA%\TruckersMP\data\ets2\mods\skoda_car.mp mklink %USERPROFILE%\Documents\"American Truck Simulator"\mod\skoda_car.scs %PROGRAMDATA%\TruckersMP\data\ats\mods\skoda_car.mp pause Save the file and change the filename from anything.txt to anything.bat Right-click on the file and execute it as an administrator. Administrator rights are required because the Scout files used by the TMP client are located in a system folder. If you don't own both of the games, you will see 2 errors. That's normal because this batch file tries to enable the mod for both games, regardless whether you own them. Now start the game and check the mod manager. You should see two new mods: "sh_skoda_car" and "skoda_car". Enable them both and you will be able to use the car in singleplayer. Happy trucking carring!
  2. Name: A Variable message board behind the police car. Description: This Variable message board displays messages like "SLOW DOWN", "WARNING ACCIDENT", "STAY BEHIND US", "FOLLOW ME", "<<<<", ">>>>", "CLOSED",... Images: https://goo.gl/images/nWXHJC (an exemple of the Variable message board behind this police car) Why should it be added ? It can be added to warn players of an accident on the road, a closed road,... It can be added to a better traffic regulation.
  3. Suggestion Name: VOLKSWAGEN AMAROK V6 V1R4 1.34.X CAR Suggestion Description: CHANGELOG: Log spam fix Base fix Any example images: Why should it be added?: because there is now only 1 kind of car and maybe that is luek to put a 2 car in the game and if you can ski well you can also put a pilot skin on it and for the game moderator a police skin on it
  4. Suggestion Name: Public Accses to police cars on EU4 [Freeroam] Suggestion Description: Simply allowing all players to drive the Police Cars on EU4 without being auto kicked. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: Currently police cars can only be driven offline. I can see for a lot of fun to be had driving the police cars with friends and others. They don't even need to have accses to the siren/ all of the accsesorys if performance is a worry. This may also help reduce trolling behavior. To further prevent this players with trolling on the record could not be allowed this feature until after 6 months for example. Initialy it could be quite popular although this will probably die out pretty quickly. Since EU4 is no collisions it seems the perfect place to allow this.
  5. Ich bin neu hier und möchte es wissen. Ich Weiss das Mann das nicht ausnutzen soll, aber klar ist mir das nicht ganz. Wenn es nicht erlaubt ist darf mann den das pilot benutzen?
  6. Who is allowed to use police cars? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Hello guys, How do I sign up for Police. I am often Police in lots of games and this looks like its gonna work. is there a fprum to begin signing up or something? I heard only in-game admins. how do I become one? Thanks, jordz
  8. VincentasG


    How can I join police? P.S. I hate kids driving fast and then crashing in front of you!
  9. Hi guys. I want to ask what should i do if i painted my Octavia with police paintjob and i got ban. If there is some admin, can you pleas unban me? Or can someone tell me what to do?
  10. Hi, i was wondering what to do to be police? I can't put any lights or police skin on. If you cant fix this. is there any other ways to act as police you would recommend?
  11. Hey , it would amuse me to become a police officer and to maintain order and the speed limit (lol) in the city. It takes something special to be? Because when I bought it they tell me I can not ..: / I think that would be something good to replace some radars that are not so much their work except once every 500 miles.
  12. hi,how can i use the police car in etsmp2 ?Because i will stop players when they drive to fast or break the rules:
  13. Evening, I recently cam across the cars and noticed the police lights and beacons... I decided to use them but when I entered online I got kicked for not being police? So what I was wondering was how to I become or apply to be a police officer so I can use these upgrades with my friends Regards, MisterMooman
  14. I wanna be a Cop and i dont know how to be the cop. Or Pilot. Please tell :3
  15. How to be a police officer or pilot?
  16. Hello, I have a problem. I bought a car with the new update and I tried to drive it in people but I kicked from the server. "You were kicked from the game. Reason: Invalid accessory set detected. Sorry, you're not a police officer!" I checked my car after this though I know I did not buy any police thing for my car. Guess what: I did not see any police thing in my car! I know I can't use my new car with police skin or another police or pilot thing. But as I said: My car is all clear. There is no police accessory or something like that *uck (duck). (My English can be bad because of I'm a Turkish man. So if I made a mistake, please ignore it.)
  17. Hello everyone I bet you have seen this quite often, were you will see people with tags next to their name. [Light crew], [Traffic-crew], [Traffic Enforcer], etc. the list go on. Many of these people I’d noticed have been "Playing" Police or stating that "admin told me to do this" which we all know is NOT true! I'm just curious can we report them? Because it’s becoming a great nuisance. (Irritant) Please I’d love to know what we can do other than ignore their ignorance.
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