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World Of Trucks


  1. Hello truckers and carrers! () It seems that a lot of you want to use the Scout car mod in singleplayer. Either just for fun, or to solve issues; like your car turning into an old Scania when you load your multiplayer profile in singleplayer. I have a simple solution that doesn't require you to download anything. This solution allows the game to use the files of the mod that came with the TMP client. It works by creating a symbolic link in windows, which will allow the game to find the files from multiplayer and use them in singleplayer. It works for both ETS2 and ATS. This will also make sure you always use the latest version released with the TMP client, until the devs change the file names or add additional files. There are two requirements: You need to have administrator rights on your computer and you need to have file extensions enabled. To enable file extensions, check this guide: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/show-file-extensions-in-windows Start by creating a new text (.txt) file. It doesn't matter where it's located or how you name it. Open the file and paste the following text: mklink %USERPROFILE%\Documents\"Euro Truck Simulator 2"\mod\sh_skoda_car.scs %PROGRAMDATA%\TruckersMP\data\shared\mods\sh_skoda_car.mp mklink %USERPROFILE%\Documents\"American Truck Simulator"\mod\sh_skoda_car.scs %PROGRAMDATA%\TruckersMP\data\shared\mods\sh_skoda_car.mp mklink %USERPROFILE%\Documents\"Euro Truck Simulator 2"\mod\skoda_car.scs %PROGRAMDATA%\TruckersMP\data\ets2\mods\skoda_car.mp mklink %USERPROFILE%\Documents\"American Truck Simulator"\mod\skoda_car.scs %PROGRAMDATA%\TruckersMP\data\ats\mods\skoda_car.mp pause Save the file and change the filename from anything.txt to anything.bat Right-click on the file and execute it as an administrator. Administrator rights are required because the Scout files used by the TMP client are located in a system folder. If you don't own both of the games, you will see 2 errors. That's normal because this batch file tries to enable the mod for both games, regardless whether you own them. Now start the game and check the mod manager. You should see two new mods: "sh_skoda_car" and "skoda_car". Enable them both and you will be able to use the car in singleplayer. Happy trucking carring!
  2. Name: A Variable message board behind the police car. Description: This Variable message board displays messages like "SLOW DOWN", "WARNING ACCIDENT", "STAY BEHIND US", "FOLLOW ME", "<<<<", ">>>>", "CLOSED",... Images: https://goo.gl/images/nWXHJC (an exemple of the Variable message board behind this police car) Why should it be added ? It can be added to warn players of an accident on the road, a closed road,... It can be added to a better traffic regulation.
  3. Suggestion Name: VOLKSWAGEN AMAROK V6 V1R4 1.34.X CAR Suggestion Description: CHANGELOG: Log spam fix Base fix Any example images: Why should it be added?: because there is now only 1 kind of car and maybe that is luek to put a 2 car in the game and if you can ski well you can also put a pilot skin on it and for the game moderator a police skin on it
  4. Suggestion Name: Public Accses to police cars on EU4 [Freeroam] Suggestion Description: Simply allowing all players to drive the Police Cars on EU4 without being auto kicked. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: Currently police cars can only be driven offline. I can see for a lot of fun to be had driving the police cars with friends and others. They don't even need to have accses to the siren/ all of the accsesorys if performance is a worry. This may also help reduce trolling behavior. To further prevent this players with trolling on the record could not be allowed this feature until after 6 months for example. Initialy it could be quite popular although this will probably die out pretty quickly. Since EU4 is no collisions it seems the perfect place to allow this.
  5. How to be a police in game
  6. Ich bin neu hier und möchte es wissen. Ich Weiss das Mann das nicht ausnutzen soll, aber klar ist mir das nicht ganz. Wenn es nicht erlaubt ist darf mann den das pilot benutzen?
  7. I believe that player should be able to join the police. Why should we put this in the game? You should put it in the game because it will boost your servers. Your mod will expand; this makes a range of possibility's such as jobs and civilians. Not all truckers! Please replay as soon as possible. Admins can use pilot car.
  8. Who is allowed to use police cars? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Hello dear TruckersMP forum . I would like to add something here Suggestion: Add more pilot sirens and the new trucks we are waiting from July . What I Mean : Add more styles of pilot leds like the blue police leds and more styles of pilot sirens . Add the new trucks as well that we are waiting from July ( Renault Range T and Scania S ) . Thank you very much Chris Maverick (ChrisMaveGR)
  10. So There Has Been Many Suggestions That Have Came To Mind When Playing American Truck Simulator On The Truckersmp Servers. Im Thinking, Instead Of So Many Bans, All Game Admins and Workers Should Start A (In Game Traffic Ticket System) where If Someone Breaks A Law Such As (speeding, running red lights, running stop signs, ramming someone, etc) , then Admins Should Be Allowed To Go Each Individual Involved Tickets, Kind Of Like Real Life, Which They Have to Pay A Very Large Amount Of Their In Game Cash To an Admin Which Then They Dispose That Where Ever They Would Like.
  11. Suggestion Name:Police System in ATS/ETS Suggestion Description: Train police for patrol ATS Any example images: the video trailer for the new cars. Why should it be added?:be cause it'd add realism and would be nice.
  12. I personally think that they should make the in-game admin feature a little more in-depth policing system. Having 'State Police' and 'Federal Police' systems in place would also make it funner. Because if someone is running red lights, ramming, and other illicit activities, a witnessing trucker can file a report and an in game admin would be dispatched depending on the state the perpetrator was in and in what direction they were headed. if it goes on to long, or it goes across a state line, a state admin could get help from the next state over, or from a 'Federal', or inter-state, admin. 'State Police' admins would only have the power to carry out bans and such in the state that they are assigned, and are limited to certain time bans. 'Federal Police' can carry out bans and such in any state, and for any amount of time. For instance, if a group has been street racing across the state for a long time, it would mainly be handled by the 'Feds', with a little help by the State Police. You would have to be a state admin before you can become a federal admin, and only the best got promoted. there would have to be additions to the game. some are suggestions, some would be required. Required. Paint Jobs for each and every state. A simple fully color able paint job for the fed admins(if they want to put themselves out there and not drive an 'unmarked' cruiser). Optional More american looking cars, like the old Dodge Monaco and Ford Crown Victoria. Maybe even the Ford SVT Raptor if you can't get some made. You could even use the default police car models for it, you'd just need interiors. More light bars and 'unmarked' lights(including a pilot bar that is activated using flashers if someone wants to seriously go undercover). An actual admin tag only visible to other admins. A statewide frequency for each state( for talk between police and and a frequency for the whole state for the cb radios. 'Truck impounds' were someone will have to pay to get there truck back after doing something illegal. Now, I know this may make it harder to catch people, and it will probably spawn some organized 'runs'(think Smokey and the Bandit), but that would be the fun in it. You may even attract new players to the game, like actual police officers. Pro's More realistic. More fun. Con's Harder to catch criminals. May or may not spawn more illegal activities. May spawn illegal car racing with new vehicles. Anyway, what do you all think? Voice your opinion below.
  13. Suggestion Name: ATS USA Server Admins Suggestion Description: Need server admins/more server admins Any example images: None Why should it be added?: Balance out the players who don't play ATS seriously. I saw an ETS2 EU server has over 3k players so I would assume that all the in-game admins/police are on that server. Since I have been playing ATS on your USA servers, I haven't seen one in-game admin and/or a police car patrolling on the server. I run into a lot of trolls/griefers and/or rammers and/or players blocking 2 or 3 lanes of road with their trucks/trailers just waiting on someone to ram into them. I also encounter players who don't pay attention to other players that have the right of way on the gps map that could caution an accident.
  14. PumparN

    Volvo Cars

    Can you add volvo cars? As right now there is only the scout avable to drive. And they dont look that nice. I think that many drivers would like if there were more cars to drive. The Volvo is a great car. It looks nice as a policecar, and as a pilotcar. It could be a more expecive car, and a lot better looking car. Thanks
  15. Hello, this is a Topic that kepps me busy. i cant accept seeing no admin a whole day. Of course there are many servers and players. Thats why you should make a rank like Traffic Guide or something. Traffic Guides are persons who are allowed to impersonate the police. they are for example allowed to wear tags like "Highway Patrol" in combination with the "Pilot" Paintjob. That would be a relief for the admin team. in general: Traffic Guides are just allowed to give advise. theyre not allowed to kick or something. just watch and control the traffic. nothing else. no extra rights. so did i till i got banned for inappropiate tags: everyday if i had time i joined the EU 2 Server in Rotterdam and were just patroling.everytime there was an accident i changed my tag to "ACCIDENT AHEAD" or something. nothing else. i turned on beacons and hazard lights just to warn upcoming traffic. nothing more. and thats the thing Traffic Guides should be allowed to. i hope you can understand the idea behind this suggestion.
  16. Suggestion Name: Replace the Scout with a Ford Crown Victoria (P71 Interceptor). Suggestion Description: If TMP were to just switch out the Scout with the Crown Vic it wouldn't be that difficult, just swap the model tweak some of the code for the car and change the name and sounds. Any example images (the California Police Livery): Why should it be added?: The Scout doesn't fit in ATS at all and the police variant sticks out the most. It would be a really nice change for ATSMP.
  17. Hello guys, How do I sign up for Police. I am often Police in lots of games and this looks like its gonna work. is there a fprum to begin signing up or something? I heard only in-game admins. how do I become one? Thanks, jordz
  18. Hello, first of all: I dont wan't any comments like "ohh trying to be police in another form" or stuff like that. My idea is to search for players, who are able to drive a car safely. This players can apply for the police ingame. They should be able to kick and to drive a car with police skin and blue lights. so the admin team has just to look for reports and not for accidents. the police will do that instead to clear an accident faster. Theres nothing in my point of view that would be against this idea. just look for players who are able to speak english, who are polite and able to drive a car safely. let them apply for an police job and let them patrol in high populated areas to clear accidents and lead traffic faster than admins can do. so: admins will do the stuff in the sky with flying around and look for reports and the police will clear accidents and stuff. just write objective critism or suggestions to improve this idea please. I don't want any insults in the comment section
  19. Suggestion Name: More Police Cars in EU2 (busiest server). Suggestion Description: I think there should be more Police and Admins in ETS2MP in general, but specifically in EU2, since it's the busiest one yet. Plus, I think some users should be allowed (maybe through an application) to utilize a Police Car as a Pilot Car for certain cargos or convoys, since I've been sort of attacked recently, rammed into and blocked by players, I think having a Police Car would scare the trolls away. I do know that admins have Police Vehicles but I've only seen one in my whole ETS2 experience. Maybe Admins could use undercover cars with blue grille leds or single siren, while these special users could use full Police wraps and lightbars. Players specialized with being Officers could respond to calls made with a certain command in chat and could help with solving small problems without reports having to be done all day and admins having to be called because "someone rammed me, boo-hoo". A whole Police "VTC"ish thing could grow from this, I know some people must agree with me that this could be interesting, maybe test it in a smaller server! I'm obsessed with the Police and have been a fan for years, so being denied using a Police Car in such game makes me sad. Any example images: Not really, attached is an aesthetic addition to the submission. Why should it be added?: For players' security, realism and immersion, maybe.
  20. Suggestion Name: Highway Police Suggestion Description: New group of police admins that going to patrol on the highway most likely East Europe. How does it work? 4 police admins are patrolling the highway if they see a rammer and he goes away with it they go after him. Then the Police surround him and give him kick/bann. Any example images: no Why should it be added?: Mostly the Admins are in West-Europe what they forgot is that there are trolls in East-Europe and on the highways too. + it would be cool to see some Police chases maybe Scandinavia too. And off course less work stress for the already operating admins.
  21. ´How can i be police?
  22. Suggestion Name: Police helping players Suggestion Description: I think there should be experienced volunteer players to help the police (Admins). The police helpers could kick players and they reconnect after a few minutes automatically, so they have time to handle there accident (or load a save...) Any example images: Nope. Why should it be added?: There is alot of chaos on the streets and i think it's too much to ban blocking players instantly. Also this "rank" could be a reward for players investing much time into the game and reporting players, so it's a cool motivation too. What do you think of this? I would love such a feature!
  23. VincentasG


    Make it possible for players who have played this game for 20 hours to be cops. When you turn on sirens you can mark a speeding player and he will receive message that tells him to stop. If he will not stop in 20 seconds he will pay fine for running and speeding. But if he did stop he will only pay for speeding. P.S. the game will count the speed automatically. I know that police cars tells that someone is admin but what if there would be admin texture for that vehicle?
  24. VincentasG


    How can I join police? P.S. I hate kids driving fast and then crashing in front of you!
  25. Hi guys. I want to ask what should i do if i painted my Octavia with police paintjob and i got ban. If there is some admin, can you pleas unban me? Or can someone tell me what to do?
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