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Found 9 results

  1. I have installed it but truckersmp dont find it. please help me.
  2. Unsupported game version detected! Expected: ver. You have: ver. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And the game version changer just crashes every time. -Any help ? -When will TruckersMP update to ?
  3. Hello everyone, this is my sceond forum-post and i am not sure if i do that right but i hope so. I wanted to make my TruckersMP profile a little bit cuter so i started to write a description and so on. But i read something like that on my profile: Account Status: Not activated. Now i want to do that but i don't know how. I couldn't find some instructions on my profile. Maybe someone can help me :j (If i made somthing wrong, please tell me what so i can improve my forum-post-skills =) ) Have a nice day, newt.
  4. Alright so I'm new to using the forums here so I'm not sure if I've posted this in the correct place. Anyway, I've been using the No Damage Mod in game now for about 8 months. I asked an admin in game first if it would be alright and he did confirm that I'm allowed to use it as long as I'm not using it for trolling or ramming etc. Today I logged in and everything was running as normal UNTIL I opened my No Damage Mod. That's when the game put me in Offline mode. So I tried again but the same thing happened. I have since tried 3 different mods but none work. Can somebody tell me if this feature has been removed from the game or if it's possibly a bug due to the new update? The mod that I always use is just No Damage so it's not like I have the ability to speed hack or teleport etc. I'm hoping that it's not been removed all together because it's really useful for when somebody rams you, it just lets you continue driving without any engine malfunction. I can see the other side of the story here where it may have been removed due to trolls ramming people without consequences. Maybe No Damage should be an option that's added to the in-game settings, for players to use. If you're banned for ramming, maybe you're not allowed to use it anymore? Or maybe add a server that's just for no damage? I'm just thinking out loud with suggestions here. Somebody please let me know what's happening, thanks.
  5. help! i start ets2 mp game but i cant move my mouse when started at all
  6. Hello. I have problem with TruckersMP. When I'm trying to launch TruckersMP it doesnt show anything but information that it has stopped working. I tried reinstalling, installing NET. Framework, I have service pack 1. Before it was working fine until now, it just stopped.
  7. Pretty basic to understand, I can not log in into TruckersMP, when I start ETS, it just doesn´t show the login screen, and I get into the single player mode. Things that have been tried: -Complete uninstall and install of Truckers MP (as an admin), checked paths. -Steam cache 100% right, no beta mode. -ATS MP works. -Everything executed as an admin. Please help.
  8. Topic Title: Report system is not working ETS2MP ID: 76561198168161407 URL: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198168161407/ Server Time / Date: - How to reproduce: Manage - Report System - Create Report - Fill in the blanks - Submit - Cannot create your report Screenshots / Videos: None I highly recommend to have an admin online in game, or create a working report system, because now your in game report system isn't working because there is no admin online (which in my oppinion is ridiculous because there are 1000+ players online) and your report system on this website isn't functional. Regards , Rob
  9. Hello, Everytime I try to play ETS2 multiplayer, it says this: Before starting multiplayer you need to run steam. I have steam already running, both windowed as minimalised. Also my game is bought and it's not downloaded illegally. How to fix this problem? Thanks!
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