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Veteran Driver VI
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About Robbermans

  • Birthday 01/05/1994

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  1. @TuxyQ That worked thank you, report is created. Supported language: English Server: #EU1 Date/Time: 2015-07-20 12:08 Place: Highway in France, Right under Lille perpetrator: <players name> SteamID64/ETS2MPID: <players SteamID64> Description: Wrong side of the road, Ramming me with full speed Video/Picture: http://steamcommunit...07/screenshots/
  2. @TuxyQ Hey, I have tried several times, but when i click 'Send' the form goes blank, and at the top it says: 'Could not create report.' Regards [EDIT] Here's what i filled in: Supported language: English Server: #EU1 Date/Time: 20-07-2015 12:08:17 PM Place: Highway in France, Right under Lille perpetrator: <players name> SteamID64/ETS2MPID: <players SteamID64> Description: Wrong side of the road, Ramming me with full speed Video/Picture: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198168161407/screenshots/
  3. Topic Title: Report system is not working ETS2MP ID: 76561198168161407 URL: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198168161407/ Server Time / Date: - How to reproduce: Manage - Report System - Create Report - Fill in the blanks - Submit - Cannot create your report Screenshots / Videos: None I highly recommend to have an admin online in game, or create a working report system, because now your in game report system isn't working because there is no admin online (which in my oppinion is ridiculous because there are 1000+ players online) and your report system on this website isn't functional. Regards , Rob
  4. ye sure, like the reporting system was functioning before this update -.-"
  5. this is suicide for ets2mp
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