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Found 15 results

  1. Hi, I was looking for a way to unlock double trailers on the whole map, looking at various tutorials I see you have to go to documents>Euro Truck Simulator 2>profiles, but here is a problem, inside the folder "profiles" I can not find any profile, I find it only in the folder "steam_profiles", but inside I can’t find the folder "saves" where everyone goes to modify the files to unlock the double trailers, I hope someone can solve this problem, thank you. (Attached below are photos of the "profiles" folder being empty and how the "steam_profiles" folder is saved)
  2. English: Hello, Today, I earned enough money to buy my first bi-train trailer. So I have a question: Are some trailers better than others? Whitch is the whorthest ? ... I am Lvl 30 (max everywhere exept in eco-driving) Ty for your answers. Francais: Bonjour, comme je suis francais, je préfererais avoir des réponses francaises mais des réponses anglaises me vont tres bien aussi. Je m'explique: j'en arrive au moment dans le jeu où j'achette ma premiere double remorque et j'aimerais savoir si il y a une différence entre 2 remorques (par exemple bachée et réfrigérées (mais toutes les remorques en général)) au niveau de la rentabilitée et (Si oui) laquel serais la meuilleur ? Sachant que je suis lvl 30 (maxée partout sauf dans l'éco conduite). Je vous remercie d'avance pour vos réponses
  3. German: Convoy Informationen zu dem Convoy am 27.06.2020 Start: Koblenz Hotel 19Uhr Server: Promods Map: Promods benötigte DLC´s: Alle Kartenerweiterungen Treffpunkt: Koblenz Hotel 18Uhr Pause: Manchester Tankstelle (15min) Ziel: Visby Streinbruch (ca.22 Uhr) Weitere Informationen alle Fahrer sind dazu aufgefordert den LKW vor dem Konvoi zu warten und voll zu tanken Der Konvoi wir vorraussichtlich 3 Stunden dauern Einzelfahrer Parken bei Expert Englisch: Convoy Information about the convoy on June 27th, 2020 Start: Koblenz Hotel 7pm Server: Promods Map: Promods required DLC's: all card expansions Meeting point: Koblenz Hotel 6pm Break: Manchester petrol station (15min) Finish: Visby Streinbruch (approx. 10 p.m.) Further information all drivers are requested to wait for the truck in front of the convoy and to fill up The convoy is expected to last 3 hours Individual driver parking at Expert
  4. Guest

    Version does not match

    In steam version - Out off all betas Redownloaded. still the same
  5. Red Line Cargo Red Line Cargo is one of the most famous and active VTCs in the community with members from all over the world that love to drive together. RLC was first founded on the 21st of February 2018 as Marston’s Trucking Company by John Marston and soon after renamed to Red Line Cargo. RLC is known for our weekly convoys that are provided for the community. We host our ETS2 Convoys on a Tuesday and a Saturday while our ATS convoys are on a Thursday. We have a dedicated CC & Media team that will provide an awesome convoy. With hosting more than 100 convoys, we are well experienced. Unlike other VTCs, we don’t have strict activity rules. Instead of forcing members to do a certain amount of convoys, we allow our members to go to convoys that fit to their schedule. This way there is less pressure on our members and makes RLC a much more laid back and friendly VTC. With over 70 members and growing, we are one of the most active VTCs in TruckersMP. If you want to join Red Line Cargo or find out more, please check out the links below. • Discord: https://discord.gg/Qk5eh6b • Website: https://redlinecargovtc.com/ • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redlinecargovtc/ • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/redlinecargovtc • Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/redlinecargo Red Line Cargo | The greatest VTC family you have ever experienced.
  6. ConSec [CS] Hey alle zusammen ihr fahrt gerne Konvois, auch mal mit mehren Spedis zusammen und wollt das alles glatt läuft. Hey everybody, you like to travel convoys, sometimes with several spedis and want everything to go smoothly. Dann meldet euch einfach bei uns, wir sichern euren Konvoi ab so das nix passieren sollte. Then get in touch with us, we secure your convoy so that nothing should happen. weitere Infos dazu auf : http://convoy-security.de/ more information on this : http://convoy-security.de/
  7. Bilindiği üzere bugün 1.32 güncellemesi yayınlanmıştır. Fakat 1.31'den beri gelen, "Serbest Çalış" bölümünde "Filtrenize uygun iş bulunmuyor" ya da güncellemeyle birlikte gelen dorse sahipliği ile satın aldığımız özel dorseler için de yine "Yük piyasası"nda yine aynı hatayı alıyorum. Çözümü nedir?
  8. Si quieres ser parte de una empresa y formar convoys con la misma ¡No busques más! aquí en Fired Up Logisitc encontraras lo que necesitas!! Porfavor comunicate con nosotros mediante TrucksBook : http://trucksbook.eu/company/5662 los esperamos !! If you want to be part of a company and form convoys with it, look no further! here at Fired Up Logisitc you will find what you need !! Please communicate with us through TrucksBook : http://trucksbook.eu/company/5662 We wait for you!!
  9. welkom bij van meeteren transport (English below) deze VTC draait alleen plezier hebben met rijden, er worden natuurlijk convoi's geörganiseerd. om te zorgen dat iedereen plezier heeft binnen in deze VTC zijn er een paar regels. -Een [V-MEETEREN] tag voor je mp naam hebben -Geen beledigingen -Niet schelden -Bij een convoi wordt bij iedereen een plek bepaald, hou deze plek -Netjes rijden -Niet beuken/afsnijden tijdens een convoi -kleur je truck met de juiste skin en kleuren welcome to van meeteren transport This VTC runs only fun with driving, of course convoys are organized. To make sure everyone has fun in this VTC there are a few rules. -A [V-MEETEREN] tag for your mp name -No insults -No swearing -At a convoy a place is determined by everyone, keep this place -Do not cut/beech during a convoi -Drive carefully -paint your truck with the right skin and colors eigenaar/owner: THEGRIFFINOWNER co-eigenaar/co-owner: MatheoVm driver: JohnTrucker1993 you?;)
  10. Van Deuveren Transport is een nog redelijk kleine Nederlands/Vlaams talige VTC die zich inzet voor gezelligheid en plezier. Wij rijden samen met onze crew over de map van zowel ETS als ATS Ook rijden wij vaak konvooi, dit bespreken we meestal wel vooraf! wij zijn nog opzoek naar gezellige en fanatieke Chauffeurs die ons team willen versterken! ______________________________________________________________________________ zoals je al las staan wij voor gezelligheid, en dat willen we ook graag zo houden! daarom als Van Deuveren transport Chauffeur deze regels op te volgen: -Geen beledigend taalgebruik -Scheld anderen niet uit -Gebruik een gepaste Avatar -Hou anderen in hun waarde -Stoor anderen niet als ze dat niet willen -(een werkend Discord met microfoon) -Het beheersen van de Nederlandse taal (Vlaams) -Clan Tag [VDT] voor je In game naam -Niet Onnodig inhalen bij konvooi's ______________________________________________________________________________ Leden + kentekens: [OWNER] Redpassion {NL{1-VDT-01} {ETS}{ATS} OceanRace {NL{1-VDT-02} {ETS}{ATS} [ADMIN] King_Breddo {NL{2-VDT-03} {ETS}{ATS} [DRIVER] [TRIAL] _____________________________________________________________________________ heb je interesse neem dan contact op met OceanRace of Redpassion Via Discord https://discord.gg/zfcf3Xh ______________________________________________________________________________ Tot Gauw! Van Deuveren Transport Group
  11. Is there a way where guys with bans can apply for Supporter or Game Admin? ~xVetrax
  12. Hi, Forum keepers, My online account is 387887518@qq,com. First of all, I am a conservative player. I enjoy driving and delivering cargo. Almost, I observe traffic rules but i may over speed sometimes What I want to complain is that: Some big port city like Rotterdam, there are so many people don't keep traffic rules. Ignore traffic light, hit my ass , violent language, converse driving. Even some admin who drive Police Car, they hit my car without any reason. Please check the clip as reference and evidence. https://www.bilibili.com/video/av10923171/ I call them bad players. Obviously, they are hard to be seen in DLC map. I want to have the right to ban those bad players. Please tell me how to obtain the right?
  13. LONE WOLF S.L Somos una empresa virtual creada en el año 2015, empezamos jugando al tetris y decidimos que ese juego no era para nosotros, entonces decidimos probar el Rig 'n' Roll y seguimos con los juegos de simulación entre otros muchos que jugamos, hasta ahora. Nos gustaría reclutar personal de habla Hispana para nuestra VTC que ya pertenece a la historia de las empresas virtuales en España. Comunicación vía TS3, (No usamos discord, dolby axón, etc....) Que pedimos: Gente mayor de 14 años. Gente responsable y participativa. Gente leal y sincera Como pertenecer a LoneWolf: Leer y entender nuestras normas que se encuentran en nuestra página: http://lonewolf.foroactivo.com/ os esperamos a todos! Como contactar con nosotros: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Alfredo1997/ Para dudas: http://lonewolf.foroactivo.com/
  14. Hello, I followed the instructions in this video( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqjeP1bA0Ms ), but when I reached the stage of entering login and pass game crashes as soon as I pressed any button on my keyboard. I just can't log in. Maybe there is a file where I can enter a pass, In order to avoid the login in the game. I know that MP does't support Linux, but I really want find a solution of that issue. Thanking you in advance. Russian: ----------- Здравствуйте, я следовал инструкциям в этом видео( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqjeP1bA0Ms ), но когда я достиг этапа ввода логина, игра просто крашит, стоит мне только нажать любую кнопку клавиатуры. Не могу залогиниться - не могу поиграть. Может в моде присутствует файл, в котором я бы ввёл эти данные, и избежал ввода их в самой игре. И да, я знаю, что мод не поддерживает Linux, но я надеюсь найти решение этой проблемы. Заранее благодарен.
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