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  1. Здравствуйте, как мне можно решить данную проблему, перепробовал уже все абсолютно, ничего не помогает. Фото ошибки -
  2. bu sorunu çözebilen arkadaşlar varsa yardımcı olabilirmi ?? denenen çözüm yolları ets 2 kaldırıp kurmak truckersmp yi kaldırıp kurmak ve tekrarında yönetici olarak kurmak tüm driverlar güncel windows son sürüm 24 saatte yakın bi zamandır kesinlikle giriş yapamıyorum launcer ekranı gelmiyor launch ets 2 veya ats ekranı gelmiyor aradan bi iki dakika geçtiğinde bu hatayı veriyor ordaki ip adresi sürekli değişiyor bu arada
  3. This is the first time I want to install the game. I have tried for several days and read almost every article on this problem but nothing helped me. I have the last versions of the soft such as directx, Net and so on. I have run the launcher with and without administrator privilege. Turned Off the anti-virus, restarted the PC, checked for corrupted files of ETS2 on steam. I have a great internet connection, 40MB/s. I have tried everything and run out of ideas. Somebody can help?
  4. I'm facing this problem when i try to run the truckers mp program. I tried to reinstall it; cleaned all the folders related to the last version of the program and nothing solved this issue. Please, someone help me
  5. Hello everyone I tried to connect to Sim1 server "Connection with server has broken" Many times, even if the connection is ready "Unreliable connection" disconnects from the server. 1, erasing the DNS cache and reinstalling the luckers MP launcher were meaningless 2, In the SIM 2 server, there is no "connection with server has broken" or "unreliable connection". 3, Sim1 servers can connect to less than 10 people. 4, another PC can be connected to the Sim1 server. A video showing me trying to connect to the sim1 server
  6. When I started TruckersMP Launcher I see this Что делать?
  7. Hello I have been having this problem for 4 months now. The game simply won't launch. I have tried: Restarting my PC (obviously). Reinstalling TruckersMP 10-20 times, making sure every file on every drive that has anything to do with TruckersMP got deleted. Launching when on a different connection. Launching with and without steam open. Clicking OK, which sends me to the download page. I have tried downloading it again from there with no luck. EDIT: I have also tried launching with a VPN. No luck. The TruckersMP folder only contains these files: I guess I don't have all the files, since I can't even reach the launcher for some reason. I have noticed that the installation time is extremely fast, almost instant. Any help is appreciated, I really want to play this again but I really don't know what to do.
  8. Merhaba. Bugün TruckersMP launcher e girmeye çalıştığımda "Connection Error - Retry ?" hatasını aldım. İnternetten çözümünü araştırdım ama bunlar hiçbir işe yaramadı. Lütfen bu sorunu çözmemde yardımcı olun. Teşekkürler.
  9. Hi there, I was downloading Truckersmp, as I wanted to start the application this error message pops out. Can anyone help me? -kenny
  10. Hello! I have been having this problem for over a month, where I'm just getting an error message. I have tried deleting the .dll files to see if that worked, but it didn't. I have tried launching the mod in administrator, but with no luck. I have also reinstalled the mod about 15 times, deleted all TruckersMP files to reinstall but that hasn't worked either. I'm all out of ideas. People with the same problem managed to fix this by reinstalling, but it just doesn't work for me.
  11. Hi all. I tried logging on to truckersmp as usual but the server took an awfully long time to log me in before displaying a message saying "unknown authentication error. server couldn't connect to api truckersmp port 443. timed out". While this is not the first time this has happened to me. It seems to be a thorn in the side to solve this time round. Anyone experiencing the same issue?
  12. ошибка сервера 502! искал по форуму, ничего не нашел. подскажите что делать?
  13. Hi, I was recently playing truckersMP until a server update announced by the Game Moderators stated that the servers would be restarted to flush out a bug. After the servers had updated, I exited the game and logged back in again as normal, and selected the usual go-to server which was Europe 2 as the server I wanted to play in. All went well as i was in the queue and loaded normally into the game until when it was my turn to enter the server the server suddenly stated that I was unable to connect to the server due to unauthorised access? and now when I restart the game and try to run the truckersmp launcher it gives me this message as seen in the uploaded image. I tried reinstalling the truckersmp launcher a couple of times but no avail. Can someone please help me? I really want to play truckersmp again...
  14. have been playing with the mp mod for the past couple of days with no issue, however i restarted my game today and after closing i went to launch when i received the following error https://gyazo.com/5c6560cc73b6a597b952d3e619eae87b I have attempted reinstalling, rebooting, restarting steam, launching game with out mod (which worked fine but mod still not launch), running as admin. i also looked though the forums and could not see similar issue. running windows 10 so it is not the win 7 issue. Please any help will be greatly appreciated ! Naua
  15. Oyuna dün girdim çıktım. Bugün giremiyorum. Connection Error hatasını alıyorum yardım edebilir misiniz
  16. I can't connect to server after i logging in truckermp. i have tried so many times and its didnt work at all. Please help Thank you
  17. Guten Tag, die unten angehangene Fehlermeldung tut sich auf beim Versuch den neuen MP Starter zu öffnen. Dies mache ich über den Logitech Profiler. Hat bis weil immer prima geklappt nur jetzt nicht mehr. Den alten Truckers MP Launcher habe ich komplett deinstalliert bevor ich die Version launcher_1004 geladen und installiert habe. Dazu sind mehrere Versuche gekommen, nämlich einmal wo anders installiert, als das übliche Verzeichnis. Profil im Logitech Profiler entfernt und neu erstellt und Launcher nochmal neu geladen nachdem im englischen Forum davon berichtet wurde, das nun auch ATS ginge (was vorher möglicherweise ebenfalls schon mit der richtigen Version drin war) Alles zum Trotz kommt immer wieder die unten an gehangene Fehlermeldung. Mögliche Lösungsvorschläge? Danke schon mal im Voraus. PS Früher hat der Installer doch mal selber das Update durchgeführt. Man startete den Launcher und danach ging ein Fenster auf, das auf ein nötiges Update verwies. Dann lud man das runter und konnte starten... gibt es das jetzt nicht mehr?
  18. Hello! I have problem with TruckersMP launcher, when I try to start it then this text appears :http://prntscr.com/hot8ag What I have to do?
  19. Hi! Today I went to launch TruckersMP and I came up with an error that said: PS: It's worte in Portuguese 'cause de OS is in Portuguese. Can Someone help me please? THNX!!
  20. Everytime i try to launch truckersmp it gives me a error. (picture shown/linked below) When I open truckersmp it opens in task manager but is not open on my taskbar and it takes about 10min then it gives me a connection error. I have tried: -Updating .NET Framework. -Cleaned my temp files. -Checked my temp files if they were in the right location and yes they are. -Checked Windows firewall to see if its blocking truckersmp
  21. Everytime I try to launch Truckers MP, I get a connection error. I've gone over the forums a bit to try to find resolutions and have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I looked into the connection error database and tried using solution 4 to see if that would help. It didn't, and now my program is no longer creating a TruckersMP file in my program data folder. So, I need help. This is what comes up when I try to open my launcher (with or without admin setting turned on).
  22. i cannot go onto the launcher. look at this screen shot
  23. This is a mind boggling error. i have run several fixes, Commands, re-installs, uninstalls, contacted support twice still no luck. So after alot of Rage at my PC and Net even though net is not the issue here is what i have so far.... An error box with the main error of 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED) and an event view FULL of DCOM errors with the: same ID, same path same EVERYTHING over and over and over again. I have absolutely no idea as to what is happening at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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