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Veteran Driver II
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About Kirituga

  • Birthday 12/25/1998

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  • EU Garage Location
    France: Metz
  • Known languages
    Portuguese, French, Japanese, English

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  1. Today I had this error: And I solved mine this way: 1 -> Download the Windows Update Fixer following some steps here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/10164/fix-windows-update-errors 2 -> Go to your network settings and select Proxy and disable following this steps: Hope u find a solution!
  2. Hello Guys! After wasting 9 hours I finally solved the problem. The problem is relationated to an Windows Update DataBase error and a problem with with the proxy server connection. Solution: 1 -> Download the Windows Update Fixer following some steps here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/10164/fix-windows-update-errors 2 -> Go to your network settings and select Proxy and disable following this steps: AND ENJOY! And thnx everyone for Supporting me!!
  3. I already did it, but no soluction for now. Thnx ! Not solved yet
  4. Not solved yet guys, I tried everything u sent
  5. Hi @GGF MD i already did it, It didn't worked :c
  6. Hi! Today I went to launch TruckersMP and I came up with an error that said: PS: It's worte in Portuguese 'cause de OS is in Portuguese. Can Someone help me please? THNX!!
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