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  1. how do i fix http proxy error on launch page of ATS. I type in my email and password and log in and it says that the http proxy is being used or is not configured right and i have turned off all ad blockers and scrips and i have logged in to world of trucks in the steam browser like someone said and it worked for like an hour and so i had to do something so i left my truck and they kicked me from the server for afk which is not the problem the prblem is when i go to log back in it gives me the same thing it did before and now i have tryed everything i know and it still does not work. can someone help me?
  2. Una nuova ondata di update sta per arrivare! Stiamo per aprire le Open Beta per entrambi i nostri simulatori; in primis pubblicheremo la Beta per Euro Truck Simulator 2. Non vogliamo troppi feedback e opinioni in poco tempo, perciò aspettate uno o due giorni e uscirà anche la Beta per American Truck Simulator (con il DLC Arizona!). Come ogni update, ci saranno migliaia di piccoli cambiamenti e altre piccole cose, ma ci saranno due cose molto visibili nell'update: I MAGGIORI CAMBIAMENTI I contratti di World Of Trucks saranno disponibili direttamente dal gioco - supportiamo nuove destinazioni del DLC Going East e del DLC Scandinavia. Aggancio del rimorchio come nella realtà (opzione) - la nuova "missione" sarà di agganciare il rimorchio come un vero camionista, ovvero avvicinandosi al rimorchio, fino a far combaciare la ralla al perno del rimorchio. Trailer dell'aggancio per esperti: CODE La multa per eccesso di velocità può essere disabilitata (opzione). Coppia notevolmente migliorata. Comportamento del cambio automatico migliorato. Supporto per XImput aggiunto. Supporto UI per il quarto e quinto controller. Rilevamento e supporto SKRS. Selettori di cambio (range, split) adesso hanno un supporto UI. DATA AND MODDING Camion SCANIA rilavorati, aggiunti accessori (presa, maschera, paraurti, paraspruzzi, etc.). Fixate varie cose, la maggior parte degli accessori interni ha bisogno di un update. I parametri dei danni sono stati spostati da game_data.sii e sono stati aggiunti nuovi danni (come il logoramento e i fattori di danneggiamento delle parti). Dati sui motori (curva della coppia, massimo giri al minuto). Dati per il Force feedback per XInput aggiunti (force_feedback.sii). Altri dati per la coppia e per il cambio (physics.sii). Potete trovare la beta nelle public_beta di Steam. (Libreria di Steam → LIBRERIA → Click destro su Euro Truck Simulator 2 → Proprietà → Tab delle beta→ selezionate public_beta - 1.24 public beta). Nessuna password è richiesta. Una precauzione: fate un backup del/i vostro/i profilo/i di gioco prima di sperimentare la beta! Ricordatevi che questa è una versione "test" dell'update; va benissimo se aspettate la versione definitiva e stabile del gioco. Se siete curiosi e volete assisterci a migliorarla, apprezziamo il vostro aiuto. Per favore, se riscontrate qualche bug, segnalatelo nel nostro forum. Nota del traduttore: La versione 1.24 NON è ancora supportata dal Multiplayer! Se volete giocare direttamente con la versione 1.24 in Multiplayer dovete aspettare l'update di TruckersMP. Traduzione di: Alex [ITA]
  3. Vous possédez déjà une VTC ou vous avez envie d'en créer une, World of Logistics est la solution de gestion adaptée pour vous ! World of Logistics est une solution de gestion pour VTC, un outil gratuit qui vous permettra de créer et de contrôler votre propre VTC, le tout sur un seul et même site. World of Logistics est née dans le sillage de la société Eurofret, Nous avions un système de facturation de feuille de route et de gestion, et nous voulions transmettre nôtres savoir faire et nôtres expérience au autre VTC, tous centralisé de manière ergonomique. World of Logistics was born. World of Logistics vous met a disposition : Une Création de compte automatique et sécurisé par Steam Classement et statistique par VTC Classement et statistique par chauffeur Un Système d’administration pour votre VTC : + Gestion des membres + Choix d'un modèle économique Une Gestion de camion par VTC Un Système de Facturation : + Gestion de plusieurs livraisons dans une seul facture + Relevé compteur kilométrique (Début / Fin) + Lieux de chargement / déchargement + Entreprise Fournisseur / Client + Marchandise + Valeur du fret + Poids du fret Un Forum : + Section sur mesure et dédier sur demande Un Blog : + Article rédigé en français + News de scs software + News de Truckersmp + News Truck Game Lien de World of Logistics : WD-LOGIST Une question ? : Posez-nous-la sous ce poste ou par message privé à l'equipe de World of Logistics via le site section Messages à Crane300 ou Rony-Beck. A noter que World of Logistics est en version publique v1.1.2 et il subira des améliorations dans les mois à venir.
  4. PVXN


    Nazwa Sugestii: Bieżąca trasa. Opis Sugestii: Dodanie informacji o bieżącej trasie nad nickiem lub pod nickiem gracza. Przykładowe obrazki: Nie posiadam. Dlaczego twoja sugestia a nie inna?: Napewno spotkaliście się z sytuacją gdzie gracz zapytał Was, dokąd jedziecie, a teraz mógłby mieć to poprostu wyświetlone. Urozmaiciłoby to rozgrywkę, taka informacja byłaby przydatna podczas konwojów a także podczas jazdy z napotkanymi graczami.
  5. Hello, When I click the "check now" button to add ATS to my account it says it will take a couple minutes to register ATS to my account. I have been waiting for about 1 hour and it didn't do anything so far. How can I solve this problem?
  6. TITANIUM es una empresa de Euro Truck Simulator 2 y American Truck Simulator. Esta empresa tiene un tiempo hecha, pero por problemas de tiempo se mantuvo ausente. ¡PERO YA ESTAMOS DE VUELTA OTRA VEZ! ¡Hablamos totalmente en español y estamos reformando nuestra empresa! ¿Te interesa? ¡Únete ya! ¡También puedes informarte con nosotros! ★Email de contacto: [email protected] 1.Requisitos Mínimos - Hablar Español. - Tener 15 años. - Tener Instalado el TeamSpeak. - Tener Mínimo Nivel 5. - Poseer Camión Propio. - Aceptamos cualquier tipo de persona de cualquier país siempre y cuando hable español. 2.Normas de la Empresa - Respetar a todos los compañeros. - Cada entrega de una mercancía se deberá de justificar mediante WOTRDB. - Si un empleado falta el respeto a cualquier compañero puede ser advertido verbalmente,sancionado en incluso despedido sin previo aviso. 3.Bitácoras - Se aceptan bitácoras en modo single o multiplayer. - Las bitácoras se harán automaticamente mediante la plataforma de WOTRDB. 4.Normas de conducción - Es obligatorio conducir siempre con las luces de cruze encendidas. - Es obligatorio conducir con los faros encendidos desde las 19:00 (7;00 PM) hasta las 7:00 (7:00 AM). - Queda totalmente prohibido parase en el arcen,para eso están las areas de descanso,areas de servicio,garajes.compañías,etc.... - En autopista o Autovía queda prohibido superar los 90 km/h. - En nacional prohibido superar los 70 km/h - En la ciudad prohibido de superar los 50 km/h. - En caso de encontrarse con un accidente,avería,etc.... se avisará al camión usando la señalización de emergencia ⇦ ⇨. ¿Como puedo entrar a la empresa? Ahora, la empresa ha cambiado de gestión de bitácoras. TODO ESTO HAY QUE HACERLO DESPUÉS DE HABER ENVIADO EL FORMULARIO DESDE LA WEB Y HABER SIDO ACEPTADO Formulario: https://goo.gl/forms/4OXy561jEtYB38e03 Para entrar a la empresa en la nueva gestión de bitácoras tienes que seguir los siguientes pasos: 1.Ir a la página de TrucksBook 2.Una vez allí darle al botón de "Iniciar Sesión" o "Login" 3.Si no estás registrado,registrarte con tu cuenta de Steam haciendo click en el botón "Registro" o "Register", es un botón azul que está al lado de "Iniciar Sesión", si ya estás registrado, solo tienes que iniciar sesión. 4. Después te pedirá que pongas el email,tu contraseña y confirmar la contraseña,rellenas los campos que te enseñan. 5.Una vez registrado irse a TrucksBook de la compañía o irse al menú lateral de la izquierda y dirijirse a "Lista de Empresas" y buscar la compañía "TITANIUM". 6.Una vez estando en TrucksBook de TITANIUM envía tu solicitud para entrar a la empresa, NOTA: Si la página te sale en otro idioma, dirígete a bajo del todo de la página y donde pone "[CZ] [SK] [HU] [EN] [RU] [PL] [ES]" hacer click en [ES] y se te pondrá en español. ¡TAMBIÉN DISPONEMOS DE NUEVO FORO! http://www.titanium-vtc.hol.es/foro ¡RESGÍSTRATE YA Y NO TE PIERDAS NINGUNA NOVEDAD! ¡La SKIN de nuestra empresa para ETS2 y ATS se encontrarán en nuestra WEB! http://titanium-vtc.weebly.com/skintag.html
  7. Everytime I try to connect to a server on ATS It says I need to register my game but I already have ive given my steam id and world of trucks stuff.
  8. Suggestion Name: Change the: You Cannot do that firstly you must stop your truck message. Suggestion Description: It changes the message when you are moving and try to go into menu Any example images: No Why should it be added?: Because, cars have been added so it would make more sense to have it as : You Cannot do that firstly you must stop your vehicle. .
  9. Hi, I downloaded the MP and now all it does is take me to the steam store?
  10. Hello Everyone! Thought I would put together a "Tips and Tricks" of how to drive safely and efficiently. First of, make sure to read the MP rules http://truckersmp.com/en_US/rules Once you have read that you know the basics! Now here are some tips to make your driving easier for both you, and others. #1 ALWAYS signal. Not required but it's something you should always to let others know what you are doing. Note: Don't signal last minute. Turn your blinkers on about 2 Truck lengths away from the intersection or wait a few seconds before merging. #2. Don't be in busy areas (Oxnard, Rotterdam, Europort) if you don't have a trailer or don't have a reason to be there. (if you do this, you may get kicked or even banned!) #3 Brush up on your overtaking skills: (Author: VavelOnline) This is a very simple how-to guide on how to overtake (and be overtaken) properly. The first thing you should be aware of is DESYNC. Basically, what you see on your screen is not always what the other players are seeing. This might cause (unintentional) ramming in many situations. To counter that effect, here's some practical information that you should always follow. When overtaking Start your overtaking maneuver when you are at least 60m from the truck in front of you (you can always check the distances using the TAB key). Stay in line When you checked that the other driver is 100m behind you, you can start merging back. Alternatively, if you see the other driver turn its lights on, or hear him honk 2 short times, it means that you can merge back safely from his point of view, even if you're not 100m ahead. In that case, it's nice to thank him using the left-right-left-right blinker signal. Note that high beams would normally be used IRL, but cannot be seen for now in the MP game. When being overtaken Stay in line If you're riding at 90 km/h, it is nice to slow down a little so the other driver has a chance to overtake you. When there's enough distance between you and the overtaker (60m should be enough), turn your lights on (or honk 2 short times if it's night time and your lights are already turned on) to signal that he can merge back safely. #4 Use your hazards when ever there is an accident up ahead or someone stopped in the middle of the road. This lets the drivers behind you (if any) that there is a dangerous situation and you may be braking hard.( It also gives them a warning to be more cautious) #5 Be careful of drivers who are drifting out of their lane, randomly swerving or braking. They may be distracted and cause an accident if proper care is not used. #6 HAVE FUN TRUCKIN'! Thank you for reading this and I hope it helps!
  11. Hello, I just bought ATS and I wanted add it on truckersmp so I can play multiplayer but it somehow dont work my account is still without ATS. How long does it takes? Thank you in advance
  12. Ola pessoal, Estamos com vagas abertas para novos membros. Se você joga sozinho, entre em contato com gente e vamos rodar juntos. Fazemos várias coisas em nosso grupo tais como; Organização de comboios abertos ao publico, comboio para membros, participantes de um campeonato de Euro Truck 2 e caminhão americano, chamado ranking de caminhão mundial. Jogamos Euro Truck 2, simulador americano Truck e Farming. Temos uma Web Radio para Ets2 / Ats, caso vocebe um Dj e jogue estes jogos, entre em contato conosco. Venha fazer parte da familia GROFR, pois juntos fazemos um MP melhor. Veja abaixo nosso meio de comunicação; Site / Rádio: radioofr.com.br Facebook: @GROFR . Instragan: radioofr Twitter: ofrtransbr * Canal de Voz; Teamspeak 3: grofr.hmgweb.com.br * Transmissões Ao Vivo [LIVE] Youtube: GROFR Twitch.TV: GROFR Mixer: GROFR Esperamos sua visita Bom jogo. GROFR - Grupo Radio Os Feras da Rodagem
  13. So i cant seem to get into truckersmp because of an error saying that i need ATS version what should i do,The full error message is, Unsupported game version detected! To play you need to have American Truck Simulator v. [d3f6ead39fcf] Do you need help with downgrading? and at the top it says that its a "Fatal error"
  14. I did everthing there was, but it didn't help. i've played the game for 9 hours now and my steam account with ATS is public. i got my ETS2 on this account connected but the game is on my other/old steam profile, i dunno if that is the problem. please, if that is the problem let me know. if not please help my solve this.
  15. Hi there, finally I've got ATS, played 9 hours in SP and still cannot log into the multiplayer of ATS, because always if I open up the ATS-MP via the desktop icon, it only opens up the SP so offline. I activated ATS in World of Trucks, I got ATS out off beta in steam and the game version is 64-bit-version. Also I already reinstalled the MP many times but still it doesn't show up. I really hope you guys can help me out. Regards Volvo
  16. My game crashes after startup; Windows says : "Euro truck simulator 2 crashed". And it happens no matter which option to start i will select! PS: Singleplayer wworks just fine! My specs Intel i7 4790K GTX 980 STRIX 8 GB of RAM
  17. I was trucking along in multiplayer and the game started flickering really fast non stop and then the game crashed so i tried loading multiplayer and now it wont load and now i get this message "An invalid version of mod has been detected. The latest release is from 2016-03-06 16:50:00. After closing this dialog, you will be redirected to the download site
  18. right now on my account I have 1 employee and according to ATS multiplayer, hey makes 0 profit per day, and on offline play he works normally... Is there anything I can do?
  19. Hi, i removed win_x64 folder by mistake. Steam doesnt download it again idk why. i dont want to re-download full game again may someone upload the win_x64 folder in ats?
  20. I've previously tried and given up, but have began again. When i try to verify that I own ATS by the Check Now button on the main site, I get the box telling me to wait. I have waited for hours at a time and nothing happens. What could be going on? [It is a legit copy and I've been on the ETS2 Multiplayer servers previously]
  21. <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="ECEVJx5"><a href="//imgur.com/ECEVJx5">View post on imgur.com</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script> Proszę o pomoc. Co mam zrobić aby uruchomić grę.
  22. Demony szos! Grupa znajomych zakłada firmę(klan) Wymagamy : Wiek min 16lat.(możliwe lekkie odstępstwo od wieku) Tygodniowe poświadczenie przejechania 1000mil/km Teamspeak 3 + mikrofon Znajomości podstawowych zasad ruchu drogowego. Każdy ma swoje malowanie i dowolny pojazd(łączy nas TAG klanowy) Gramy dla przyjemności ! Grywamy w symulatory : -Spintires- -Euro Truck Simulator 2- -American Truck Simulator - -Farming Simulator 15- -Battlefield-y- -jesteśmy też otwarci na nowe propozycje- Spotykamy się głównie wieczorami ! Grasz kiedy chcesz i ile chcesz ! Jesteśmy dorośli i mamy swoją pracę, do gry przychodzimy miło spędzać czas i się rozerwać. Wszyscy zainteresowani mile widziani i proszeni o składanie podań na naszej stronie : STRONA KLANOWA ZAPRASZAMY !!!
  23. I start ATS MP and it is saying "login and go to settings to register your game" i am in the settings and i click "check now" and now it it saying (on websites) " We are checking now, please come back in a couple minutes " so i wait 1-2 hours and it is still registred ETS2 only WHY?
  24. I need help. TruckersMP will not detect my American Truck Simulator. WHY?
  25. Wirtualna Spedycja SpediStar powstała dnia 23 Stycznia 2016. Jesteśmy firmą, która skupia graczy z Zajmujemy się transportem w całej Europie jak również i w Ameryce. Mamy nadzieję, że i TY dołączysz do naszej firmy. Oferujemy: 1. Luźną atmosferę oraz mile spędzony czas, 2. Własny Blog oraz Discord. 3. Wspólną jazdę w konwojach oficjalnych jak i spontanicznych, 4. Rozwiązywanie wszelkich problemów, 5. Wirtualny tachograf, 6. Rozgrywke na multiplayerze jak i singleplayerze, 7. Dowolny wybór ciężarówki, 8. Wiele więcej. Wymagamy: 1. Wiek – 17 lat i więcej, 2. Znajomość regulaminu firmowego, 3. Kulturę osobistą, 4. Malowanie firmowe ciężarówek, 5. 3000km na tydzien/15000 km na miesiac - do wyboru 6. Sprawny mikrofon oraz Discord, 7. Systematyczną grę w ETS 2 lub ATS Malowanie firmowe w ETS 2 Malowanie firmowe w ATS Dołącz do NAS już dziś! ZDJECIA: Przebieg rekrutacji: 1. Napisz CV na naszym blogu (link poniżej) i czekaj na odpowiedź. 2. Jeżeli odpowiedź jest pozytywna, zapraszamy na naszego Discord'a by zakończyć rekrutacje. Nasze blog: Fanpage: Reklama firmy: Właściciel firmy: Shaq ..::STEAM::.. Admini: Wika ..::STEAM::.. MichalPL ..::STEAM::.. Devil ..::STEAM::.. Rekrutacja Otwarta Składaj CV juz teraz !!! ZAPRASZAMY!
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