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  1. Me salta crash kernelbase.dll y se me cierra el juego no se si es por mi pc que es viejo pero lo juego sin problemas me va muy bien ¿alguna solución? game.crash.txt game.log.txt
  2. Hi, I got a G29 shifter to go with my working steering wheel with pedals. However, after plugging the G29 shifter into the steering wheel and wiring the whole thing via USB to the PC, a small problem occurs. Every time I try to shift into gear 1, 3 or 5 it shows input 15 for all of them, but no input for the other gears 2, 4, 6 and R. Has anyone had the same problem or any solutions please? I have played on a steering wheel with G29 pedals before without the problem. Thank you. For info: Logitech G HUB: v.2024.7.625196 OS: Windows 11 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-14700KF (28 CPUs), ~3.4GHz Memory: 65536MB RAM Graphic card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
  3. I did not see anything in the tags about where or how to report bugs to tmp support team, and i didnt see anyone talking about this in the forums, so i wanted to make a post. I've recently noticed what I think.. is a bug? I'm honestly not sure, turning off "additional lights" doesn't seem to do what i remember it doing. I've noticed after the 1.51 update (which I believe is update that going into the tab menu and turning off additional lights found on the bottom of the graphics settings only seems to turn off Beacons & Led strobes for trucks and cars, and intermittently turns off those lights for trailers. The reason i believe this is an issue is because 1. i remember this completely turning off all of the flashing warning lights for trucks and trailers, and cars (i could also be remembering incorrectly) and 2. not turning them off for only specific people. Example: I'm sitting in traffic on cd road (something probably everyone has experience with) theres a truck to my left in the opposite lane, and a truck infront of me both have beacons on, when i turn off additional lights, all of the led strobes and beacons on the truck to my left turn off, but the vehicle infront still has its lights flashing on my end and its only the led strobes on its trailer flashing. Should it be this way? or is this not supposed to be happening. I would really like to know if anyone else has noticed this and if this is actually supposed to be this way Even if this is supposed to be this way, I believe this is a huge problem, when driving around heavily populated areas with alot of beacons on i often turn "additional lights" off to help with lag and prevent my eyes from straining from all the flashing lights. My friend has a very bad issues with eye strain and nausea from flashing lights as well, so i may be a little biased towards this for those two reasons, but i still think its worthy to state my opinion on this. Below is an attached video i put together that has more information and shows the issue im talking about.
  4. Ahoj, pořidil jsem si ke svému funkčnímu volantu s pedály G29 i řadící páku. Avšak po zapojení řadicí páky G29 do volantu a celé zapojení přes USB do PC, nastává menší problém. Vždy když se snažím zařadit rychlost 1, 3 nebo 5 tak se zobrazuje pro všechny input 15, pro ostatní rychlosti 2, 4, 6 a R není input žádný. Neměl prosím někdo stejný problém či nějaké řešení? Hrával jsem na volantu s pedály G29 předtím bez sebemenšího problému. Děkuji. Pro info: Logitech G HUB: v.2024.7.625196 OS: Windows 11 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-14700KF (28 CPUs), ~3.4GHz Memory: 65536MB RAM Graphic card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
  5. How to fix that? I want to play TruckersMP but i can't load last save because appears that screen: (Version 64bit) (I can load saves from 14.05.2024)
  6. Hello, i cant play truckersMP and enjoy it because im getting this error alot, i legit bought this game to enjoy playing online yet i cant..... Here what happens exactly: 1) i press play through truckersMP launcher., and game starts. 2) i join in simulation 1 server, all good right now. 3) i start a mission and load in into the world, everything is good. 4) After 5min or 10min i get greeted with a nice bombastic crash EVERYTIME. The Crash: Solution i tried but not worked: 1) Verify game Files on steam. 2) I tried this(https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/43150-fatal-error-or-crashing-each-5-10-minutes/) and not working. 3) And this(https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/97312-tmp-client-error-fatal-error-game-crash/) also not working 4) Delete DLC files in the game root folder. 5) Create a new profile in game 6) Deleted and reinstalled the game 7) Deleted and reinstalled the launcher. 8.) Ran truckersmp on admin mode Other Info: I only own 3 small DLC yet somehow i got all of this by the game itself: Im running on Windows 11 I will be so happy if you guys help me fix this because its frustrating. Thank You. Peace!
  7. Bonjour, J'ai un problème avec ma manette XBOX sur Euro Truck Simulator 2 : - Le joystick de ma manette fait déplacer le curseur / tourner le volant vers la gauche alors que je ne touche pas le joystick de ma manette. - Et le volant de mon camion tourne trop vite alors que la sensibilité de ma manette est réglé au minimum. Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait ?! En vous remerciant d'avance !
  8. Hello, I'm trying to buy the Patreon Master Truck member ship that costs 5$, but I can't buy, because when I'm done with entering all the bank card's information to purchase this, it says that "TruckersMP user payment failed". Please help me.
  9. When i open my TruckersMP launcher with administrator rights, after that, its just opens ETS2. I reinstalled TruckersMP launcher and it's not working
  10. Hello I have a problem with ets2mp, when i login and start playing, it always crash at one minute and my pc goes to blue screen and restart. Last time is totaly fine. But now i dont know why this happened? i think my system requipment is not a problem here, although my pc at low end category, it must be enough to play this game ( intel core i3 9100F 3,6 GHz, GTX 1650 OC 4GB gddr5, RAM 12 GB DDR4 2666 MHz, SSD 256GB) and my graphic driver is already the latest update (Nvidia 527.56) The game itself is normal, i can play them in solo mode without crash, but is different when i opened ets2mp, even on the homescreen and not on the road yet, is suddenly crash. Can you help me please.... Link : Last_Client_Log Last_Crash_Log Game_Log
  11. When i load into the map, the game loads too early before the progress bar finishes. The game freezes and when it unfreezes it says that i got kicked for having an unreliable connection and that i will get reconnected. But, it does not reconnect.
  12. Hello, from start, my question isn't about TMP, but I didn't find any other place to ask I have this ets2.exe in my background running and I can't stop it. Reason I need to stop it is because Trucksbook won't start, when its running... I tried: Ending task I have all permissions. Remove the file (it still runs lol). Tried to search the internet for solutions. ? Turn on the game and ending it throught task manager/normally btw. I have the same problem with RL as well, but thats not important. (maybe steam related issue?) But I found nothing I think that somebody from here can help me. Thank you -Ted
  13. Witam. Na wstępie chciałbym zaznaczyć, że nie jestem nowicjuszem na Truckers MP. Miałem roczną przerwę i ostatnio postanowiłem pograć w tę grę, lecz jest mały problem. Otóż jak chce coś powiedzieć przez CB Radio, to nie wyświetla się głośnik, a ja nikogo nie słyszę. Czat mi działa i zapytałem się graczy, czy mnie słychać i potwierdzili moją tezę. Nie wiem o co chodzi i dlaczego tak się dzieje. Co ciekawe jak włączam Truckers MP i jestem w menu głównym, to po odpaleniu "jazdy" przez parę sekund słyszę graczy na CB Radiu, a po załadowaniu mnie na serwer jest cisza. Próbowałem, to naprawić z pomocą forum, ale się nie udało, a jest, to mimo wszystko uciążliwy problem. Lista rzeczy, które zrobiłem w celu naprawy problemu: - sprawdziłem, czy mam włączony odpowiedni mikrofon i słuchawki i wszystko jest poprawnie (co ciekawe na teście mikrofonu w TMP siebie słyszę) - przywróciłem sterownik, chociaż nie wiem, czy nie powinno się go odinstalować i pobrać np. z drobrychprogramów - sprawdzałem zaporę i tu wszystko jest poprawnie Jest, to dla mnie ciekawy problem i będę wdzięczny za jakąkolwiek pomoc!!! EDIT: Mogę jeszcze dodać, że w trybie multi w etsie mikro działa xD
  14. Siemka. Jak odpalić starego savea tzn z przed około 10miesięcy? Dysk zmieniałem na którym gra była zainstalowana i na multi cofnęło mi cały postęp do 2lvl :/. W grze jest opcja wczytaj i są zapisy z np. tygodnia 1600 z tamtego roku ale po wczytaniu dalej taki sam stan gry jest (2lvl itp, prawie zero mapy odkryte). Inne gry na steam normalnie mają save stare po reinstalacji. Da się jakoś odpalić to bo firmę miałem już ładnie działającą a nie chce mi się od nowa robić tego xD
  15. Hello! ? So recently I have a big problem with TruckersMP. Game just crashes when I spawn and start driving. I thought maybe it's becasue of Frosty Winter mod so I removed it but it's still the same. I'm sending you my last 2 crash logs in attachments. Here's the video how does it look like: last_crash.log last_crash2.log
  16. My game crashes every time I attempt to enter the ''profiles'' tab. I have tried several times now and it keeps crashing.
  17. I have had this problem several time, sometimes i can fix it by reinstalling and doing some other stuff sometimes it doesn't, it's just completely random would like to fix it, because half of the time it seems that i can't play. Continuation of the link the has this same username. It didn't take long to break once again and now it ain't launching again .-. The error is still also the same last thing which you can see in the thumbnail or by opening either one of the threads. i think i figured out a major breakthrough as the title says, and no, none of the things that have been presented to me didn't work, the major thing is that i tried this on 3 more computers today, and now i know that the problem isn't the network, because one of those computers worked, i tried 2 laptops and 1 desktop, the one that worked is an older laptop that has windows 10 but is pretty much empty, making me think that there might be something in the other 2 pieces of equipment that may be blocking or causing interference. I know this might sound like a though problem but i think we all are doing our bests to try to fix it. Best Regards ThunderGuardian
  18. I have had this problem several time, sometimes i can fix it by reinstalling and doing some other stuff sometimes it doesn't, it's just completely random would like to fix it, because half of the time it seems that i can't play. I have tried everthing over on this 2 things and at moment to no avail. Error is show as the last thing that i have attached.
  19. Cześć mam pytanie, czy wie ktoś jak zrobić żeby kierownica równo chodziła? i żeby tak nie przerywała przy wolnych ruchach? https://youtu.be/exOyki7qxNI <tu jest link do filmik na yt bo tu nie mogę dać
  20. Hey there, today, as I started TruckersMP I got confronted with this Error Message (see Attachments): Expected: ver. [rev. 1379452c11f0] You have: ver. This occured, because SCS pushed an Update this day. So because I wanted to play on TruckersMP, I looked up my ETS2 Properties, went to Beta's, and sadly I couldn't find any Option to select any 1.40 Beta, other than the Public Beta. So I thought for a few Minutes and came to two possible Solutions, A: I wait for the Version to be released; B: I contact the Forum. Alrighty So I hope there will be some experts to help me fix this Issue ? Greetings! Septcheveux_TMP
  21. I get these errors when I try to play ets2. Can anyone help me?
  22. Witam pobrałem program uruchamiający do etsa i jak w niego klikam, żeby uruchomić a on się nie uruchamia i nic mi nie wyskakuje proszę pomóżcie
  23. hi im having problems with my tfm commands
  24. Hallo Liebe Leute groß und klein, Ich werde nicht der einzige sein, der dieses Problem besitzt. Mir wurde zwar gesagt, dass es an der Grafikkarte liegt, aber vielleicht gibt es andere die dieses Problem anders gelöst haben. Wenn ich Ingame bin, und kurz am desktop tabbe, z.B. weil ich im teamspeak jemande move o.ä. dann wieder Ingame gehe, dass mein Bild eingefroren ist, aber der rest weiterläuft. Ich habe das schon mit OBS Streamlabs probiert, in OBS läuft das Bild weiter wie gewohnt und es funktioniert alles, nur auf meinem Bildschirm friert das Bild ein. Ich habe das Problem seit der 1.38 und besitze aktuell noch eine NVIDIA Geforce 1050 TI. Hat jemand noch das selbe Problem und eventuell gelöst? Wenn ja, wie? Mit freundlichen Grüßen s_LiNE
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