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  1. I just recently got back into Truckersmp after being away for awhile, and I noticed that in December, I received a ban. I don't believe I was online at all at that time, and I am not in the video submitted as evidence.
  2. Oyundaydım madenden çıkıyordum şehire yakın otoyolda ya 80 yada 85 ile giderken oyunum dondu oyuna hemen döndüm bi anda karşıma viraj çıkınca virajda direksiyonu kırınca virajda araç kaydı karşı şeritten gelen tırla çarpıştık biraz arkamdaki adam da rec ban 2.5 yazmıştı sanırsam ban geçer mi geçerse anında mı geçiyor yoksa belirli bir ban yeme süresi var mı mesela 3 gün içinde incelenir 3 gün içinde birşey olmazsa ban yemezsin tarzında mı birşey var yoksa ban anında mı yeniyor ?
  3. here is the photo of the mod folder https://4f85sn-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/khopdi_4f85sn_onmicrosoft_com/EXrTn6WG2MxKvnzyno4YFsEBtv80rwErYrh4Q5MywFIPrQ?e=OBesfB the path of mods C:\Users\vatsa\OneDrive\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod here is the mod manager photo https://4f85sn-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/khopdi_4f85sn_onmicrosoft_com/EeqnnpFqqgtGpLNU6BjgajgB9chAvsS1pzmuHFoPRGpswg?e=RPtPJM here is the video of it https://4f85sn-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/khopdi_4f85sn_onmicrosoft_com/EaMdKBotpYZMun8XwxdzNmQB7GILSFo_ipb4oMoOkevP2w?nav=eyJyZWZlcnJhbEluZm8iOnsicmVmZXJyYWxBcHAiOiJPbmVEcml2ZUZvckJ1c2luZXNzIiwicmVmZXJyYWxBcHBQbGF0Zm9ybSI6IldlYiIsInJlZmVycmFsTW9kZSI6InZpZXciLCJyZWZlcnJhbFZpZXciOiJNeUZpbGVzTGlua0NvcHkifX0&e=uo7HNa
  4. there is a problem for me. when i had started playing ets2 i had taken 2 of 100,000 euro loans from the bank of the game and i still could not give it back to them, my truck is 73% damaged cuz at first i used to drive like a creep. my that account is going back and forth to either 12000 euro to -6000 euro. now i am not being able to get good profit becuz of giving the bank those loan installments. And by 12th of january, that is like 4 days from today, i have a convoy to attend where all of us will show off our trucks. now i am completely clueless and frustrated that what should i do. becuz for the convoy, i have to get my truck at 0% damage and also i have to make modifications to my truck so it looks cool. what should i do
  5. Hello guys, i re-download truckermp, After a few months of not playing but I have a problem, I can't connect to the server Simulation 1 keeps giving me the error
  6. So when i try to play ets2 truckersmp server game kicks me out about 20s after joining for high ping or the connection has been broken, this happens at areas with very few or no people on the map and also very populated areas of the map. If its kicking me from high ping it will say average 1000+ ping even tho i have been in the game for a very short time and my actual average ping is 30-120 i also have no programs running in the background. Pc specs if it has something to do with that: rtx3070, i7 1117k, 32gb ram... All help is very appreciated
  7. Hi Today I enmcountered a small problem while trying to pas threw Turkish-Bulgaria border. Simply as you can see on those pictures i just cant fit, and how hard i try its impossible to get threw. How can i help myself and deal with this situation? For me its just a design flaw...... I tried the second slot already, its the same situation. I look forward to see your ideas Best regards AranoBot
  8. MiIes

    Broken W900

    I know this is an issue with SCS and not the fault of TMP. But I was wondering if it was possible for one of you guys to fix the problem SCS caused! I have not seen any other users ask you guys this but can you fix the broken W900? We can no longer do the day cab cabin on a med or long frame. The cabin sinks into the ground and flips the truck over. This is very unfortunate in ATS because American culture loves long chassis day cab semi trucks. Especially farmers and loggers it's not phantasy it's just SAFTEY!!! Is it at all possible for you guys to fix this issue at least within the walls of TMP? Please?
  9. Whenever I launch the game, it works fine. I reach the point of having to choose the server. I choose Simulation I (700/4500 Players) and then the next thing that happens, is I get the singleplayer launchpad menu opened up, where I have two options: Continue to singleplayer OR leave the game. I choose "continue to game" and get put into singeplayer! Any Ideas whats up? Running both TruckersMP and ETS2 on the latest version with all updates. I have enough Playtime.
  10. Hi to you all, im happy to now be part of the TruckersMP community ! its super fun accounting real player instead of AIs lol. So I have a couple of questions. -First of all: since we can face real driver , I barely see turning signals (blinkers) during the day. So it hard to guest if the other driver is turning or not (beside his behavior). Is there anything I can do to help me see better blinkers of others ? -finally: I think, if im not crazy, I saw that TruckersMP servers can support a weather mod? like with winter, spring etc. Which one is it and how does it work? Do I need to change de season myself ? A bit of help is appreciated ! Thats it, thanks a lot in advanced and goodnight/day.
  11. Hey there, I need a lot of help. When I use unmodded ETS2 (without TruckersMP) it works flawlessly, but when I play TruckersMP from now on, it lags so much, to the point that it's not even playable for me. I have tried other games, such as Fortnite, Rocket League, and Apex, but all also work as flawlessly as ETS2 unmodded. The BIOS has been updated to the latest version, still lagging. PC Specs: Windows 11 Pro GPU: AMD RX 6600 CPU: Intel Core i3 10100F 3.6GHz 16 GB DDR4 RAM If you got a solution for me, please reply, and I will try any possible solutions. Thank you, krazsm.
  12. Hey everyone, I hope this message finds you all well. I'm writing to seek some help and advice regarding a persistent issue I've been facing while playing Euro Truck Simulator 2 on the Simulation 1 server. The problem is that whenever I join the Simulation 1 server, I encounter a dreaded Fatal Error that crashes the game. Strangely enough, this issue doesn't occur when I play on the Simulation 2 server. To add to the mystery, I've noticed that I can play Simulation 1 without any problems when there are only 3-4 players around me. However, as soon as the player count increases to around 10 or more, the game crashes instantly. Let me assure you that I've ruled out any PC specs-related problems as the cause of this issue. My gaming rig comprises an Intel Core i5-10400, Nvidia GTX 1650 Super, 16GB RAM, and a speedy NvMe drive, which should be more than enough to handle Euro Truck Simulator 2 without any hiccups. As part of troubleshooting, I attempted to create a new profile, but unfortunately, that didn't resolve the problem either. Now, I'm turning to this fantastic community in the hopes that someone might have encountered a similar issue or knows what could be causing it. I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions, tips, or solutions you can offer to help me get back on the Simulation 1 server without experiencing these crashes. If you have any insights or fixes that I can try out, please don't hesitate to share them with me. I'd be immensely thankful for your assistance. Thank you all in advance for your time and support! Happy trucking, NJ_2124
  13. Hello, I was very busy for 1-2 months and couldn't play truckersmp. Now I wanted to enter the promod server and this error appeared. I will give the information assest def map media model1-2-3 files available 69 hour steam; east scadiniav france baltic sea black sea iberia italia dlc 1.47.31 ets 2 2.65 promods Please Help Boys
  14. Sabah ETS 2 MP girdim ve radyo sorunsuz çalışıyordu fakat 1-2 saat önce girdiğimde radyo çalışmamaya başladı. Radyo dosyalarını yeniledim, bilgisayarı yeniden başlattım, hiçbir düzelme olmadı. Herhangi bir çözüm önerisi olan varsa lütfen paylaşsın, çok memnun olurum.
  15. Hey, Just bought yesterday the Actros DLC and i added a "Mercedes LEDs" decoration in my cab. Unfortunately it won't enable. Does anyone knows what key should i press ? This thing: https://imgur.com/a/QkqcfKS
  16. Does anybody knows the date when summer environment mod will be supported for TMP in 2023?
  17. hello, there is a problem with the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TruckersMP. To be more precise, I tried to downgrade the game version in order to go to the TruckersMp server, then after downgrading the game version, I ran into a problem that the launcher wrote me the same thing, the game version is not supported. Then I went to the next guide where it was said how to solve it, but here again I came across a problem, there is no truckersMp path in regedit, but only HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
  18. Hello, I'm trying to buy the Patreon Master Truck member ship that costs 5$, but I can't buy, because when I'm done with entering all the bank card's information to purchase this, it says that "TruckersMP user payment failed". Please help me.
  19. Hi ! I have a little question, I saw this beautiful truck on the road (black one) I would like to had the "Scania banner" just under the winshield. But when I go to personnalize my truck, the option is not available. We have the same truck, Scania 730S. Does he install mods on single player and then go to truckermp ? Thanks you
  20. hello guys. in my country, in the cross way, only one light will turn green but what i see here (in EU) 2 lines will be green. if i want to turn left.. how ? do i want to wait the other line to finish so i can turn left? sorry for my bad Eng and ty.
  21. hello I setup truckers mp but encountered an error A JavaScript error occured in the main process how do ı solve pls help
  22. I tried running an administrator but it is not working. pls help me to figure it out!!
  23. Hello, 11 days ago I created a feedback ticket to get VTC VALIDATION. I was asking some owners of other VTC's after what time they got their validation. Answers was about 4-7 days. Is there a problems or a big traffic right now with VTC's? Or a response deadzone? Or maybe my ticket is hidden? I'm waiting, but I just want to make sure someone will answer it. Also, is there any ETA about responses? Best Regards. Mikeey.
  24. so i joined truckersmp today and the chat told me this... anyone has the same problem or waht does it mean? do i have to use the new launcher?
  25. Tried to open tmp and get this error already followed the guide to properly redownload everything and still not working Couldn't upload the image so have a imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/tfYbNYr
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